2004-2005 Academic Year

COMMITTEE:   Faculty Governance


1.       Membership (include ex-officio members).

-REGULAR MEMBERS:  Mary Glascoff , Chair, Ed Justiniano, Vice Chair, Patricia Anderson, Co-Secretary, James Holloway, Co-Secretary, Nanyoung Kim, Bob Morrison, and Tinsley Yarbrough

-EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS: Catherine Rigby, Purificacion Martinez, Paul Zigas and Lisa Sutton

 2.       Meeting Dates (include those present*).

-April 27, 2005: Mary Glascoff, James Holloway, Ed Justiniano, Nanyoung Kim, Bob Morrison, Tinsley Yarbrough; Catherine Rigby, Purificacion Martinez, Lori Lee, Paul Zigas and Lisa Sutton.

-April 13, 2005:  Mary Glascoff, Patricia Anderson, James Holloway, Ed Justiniano, Nanyoung Kim, Bob Morrison, Tinsley Yarbrough; Catherine Rigby, Purificacion Martinez, Lori Lee, Paul Zigas and Lisa Sutton.

-March 23, 2005:  Mary Glascoff, James Holloway, Ed Justiniano, Bob Morrison, Nanyoung Kim, Catherine Rigby, Purificacion Martinez, Lori Lee, Paul Zigas and Lisa Sutton.

-February 23, 2005:  Mary Glascoff, Patricia Anderson, James Holloway, Ed Justiniano, Bob Morrison, Tinsley Yarbrough, Nanyoung Kim, Catherine Rigby, Purificacion Martinez, Lori Lee, Paul Zigas and Lisa Sutton.

-February 9, 2005:  Mary Glascoff, James Holloway, Ed Justiniano, Bob Morrison, Nanyoung Kim,  Tinsley Yarbrough, Catherine Rigby, Purificacion Martinez, Lori Lee, and Paul Zigas.

-January 26, 2005:  Mary Glascoff, Patricia Anderson, James Holloway, Ed Justianio, Bob Morrison, Catherine Rigby, Purificacion Martinez, Jim Smith, Lori Lee, and Lisa Sutton.

-January 12, 2005:  Mary Glascoff, Patricia Anderson, James Holloway, Bob Morrison, Tinsley Yarbrough, Catherine Rigby, Jim Smith, Lori Lee, and Paul Zigas.

-December 8, 2004:  Mary Glascoff, Patricia Anderson, Edson Justiniano, Nan Young Kim, Bob Morrison, Catherine Rigsby, Lisa Sutton, Lori Lee, and Paul Zigas

-November 10, 2004:  Mary Glascoff, Patricia Anderson, Edson Justiniano, Nan Young Kim, Bob Morrison, Tinsley Yarbrough, Catherine Rigsby, Lori Lee, and Paul Zigas

-October 13, 2004:  Mary Glascoff, Patricia Anderson, James Holloway, Edson Justiano, Bob Morrison, Tinsley Yarbrough, Puri Martinez, Catherine Rigsby, James Smith, Lori Lee, and Paul Zigas

-September 8, 2004:  Mary Glascoff, James Holloway, Tinsley Yarbrough, Edson Justiano, Patricia Anderson, Bob Morrison, Paul Zigas, Lisa Sutton, Lori Lee, and Catherine Rigsby

3.      Subcommittees established during the year (include progress and/or completion of work).

-Subcommittee on Part XII. Personnel Action Dossier - Holloway and Justiniano (continuing)

-Subcommittee on Appendix C., Section I.D. Specific Criteria for Appointment - Morrison (continuing)

-Subcommittee on Appendix L. ECU Code relating to criteria for salary increases – Morrison (completed)

-Subcommittee on Appendix L. ECU Code to incorporate a review of constitutions by a standing academic committee – Holloway (continuing)

-Subcommittee on definitions of “voting faculty” to consider combining those found in Apendices D and L and clarify who can serve as a member of a faculty search committee - Anderson (continuing)

-Subcommittee on revisions to Part VII, Section II. Patent Procedures - Holloway (continuing)

-Subcommittee on editorial revisions to Appendix A. Faculty Senate Constitution - Yarbrough (completed)

-Subcommittee on ECU Policy on Review of Administrative Officers – Glascoff (continuing)

-Subcommittee on follow-up of the Commission on Scholarship proposal – Morrison, Anderson, and Rigsby (continuing)

-Subcommittee on possible conflict of interest of University attorneys in appellate process and -concerns of the Hearing Committee in relation to Appendix D – Justiniano and Velde (continuing)

-Subcommittee on Fixed Term Appointment- Martinez and Justiniano (continuing)

 4.      Accomplishments during the year, especially as addressed through committee goals.  Please include recommendations made to any University agency other than the Faculty Senate that will be noted under #5.

-Considered revisions to various sections of Appendix D, such as fixed-term appointments, tenure, promotion, hearings, etc (8/04/04-4/27/05)

-Considered revisions to Part XII. Personnel Action Dossier (1/26/05-4/13/05)

-Joint meeting with Hearing Committee to discuss the need for clarification of particular tenure and promotion policies and procedures (10/13/04)

-Considered revisions to definition of voting faculty in revising Appendix D

 5.       Reports to the Faculty Senate (include dates and resolution numbers).

-Appendix A, Faculty Constitution, Resolution #05-18, March 22, 2005;

-Appendix A, Bylaws of the Faculty Constitution, Resolution #05-19, March 22, 2005;

-Appendix L, ECU Faculty Manual (Code Units), Resolution #05-07, February 22, 2005;

-Appendix L, ECU Faculty Manual (Criteria for Salary), Resolution #05-08, February 22, 2005; and

-Appendix C, ECU Faculty Manual (Critieria for Instructor), Resolution #05-09, February 2005.

6.        Business carried over to next year (list in priority order).

-Appendix L, considering voting by non-tenured faculty in selecting a unit administrator; 

-Appendix L, considering the definition of voting faculty in Appendices D and L and clarify who can serve as a member of the search committee;

-Part VII, Section II, considering revisions to patent procedures;

-Revise ECU Policy on Review of Administrative Officers;

-Follow-up on the Commission of Scholarship Proposal;

-Continue examination of possible conflict of interest of University Attorney in appellate process;

-Consider forming college and university-wide tenure and promotion committees; and

-Appendix D, considering substantive revisions to various sections of Appendix D.

 7.       Evaluation of the committee (include anything that hindered or assisted the

          committee's work during the year).

          A.      Charge:  The charge is effective.  However, see Item 8.

          B.       Personnel:  The members of the Committee are dedicated and committed.

          C.      Attendance: Attendance was good even though we met twice month.

D.      Responsibilities:  The Committee has many important and varied  responsibilities.

E.       Activities:  The Committee was very active but still could not complete all of its work.

 8.       Suggestion(s) to the Chair of the Faculty and/or Faculty Senate for improving the effectiveness of the committee.

 The committee should discuss the idea of asking that Committee on Committees consider the merits of creating a new committee to handle interpretations, editorial changes and minor amendments to the Faculty Manual (not changes to any appendices).  The charge of the Committee would include an adjudicatory decision-making process to make (non adversarial) interpretations and a legislative or rule making process to amend sections and clauses.  It would hear no witnesses but could  invite administrators, staff and faculty to explain the need for an interpretation, change or amendment 

9.       Does the Committee’s organizational meeting next year need to be earlier than the date set this year?  No

Dee Dee Glascoff, Chairperson

Patricia Anderson and James Holloway, Secretaries