2003-2004 Academic Year


COMMITTEE:    Faculty Welfare Committtee  


1.       Membership (include ex-officio members).

Regular Members: Janice Tovey, David Lawrence (secretary), Richard Pozzuto, Don Holbert, William Sugar (vice chair), Melissa Nasea (chair), Richard Taylor (resigned March 2005)

Ex-officio Members: Paul Kauffman, John Toller, John Core, Reginald Watson, Catherine Rigsby (appointed David Pravica to represent her), Shannon O'Donnell


2.       Meeting Dates (include members present*).

          * and members who contributed to committee action, but were not at the meeting.


8/26/04 Nasea, Sugar, Lawrence, Tovey, Kauffman, Toller, Watson, O’Donnell

Others Present: Catherine Rigsby, James Smith

9/9/04 Nasea, Sugar, Lawrence, Tovey, Pozzuto, Taylor, Holbert, Kauffman, Toller, Watson

Others Present: Catherine Rigsby, Lori Lee

10/14/04 Sugar, Lawrence, Tovey, Holbert, Toller, Watson, Pravica

Others Present: Lori Lee

11/11/04 Nasea, Sugar, Lawrence, Tovey, Holbert, Taylor, Pozzuto, Toller, Watson, Pravica, Kauffman

Others Present: Catherine Rigsby, Lori Lee

12/9/04 Nasea, Sugar, Holbert, Toller, Pravica

1/13/05 Nasea, Sugar, Lawrence, Tovey, Holbert, Taylor, Toller, Watson, Kauffman, Core

Others Present: Lori Lee, Paul Zigas

2/10/05 Nasea, Sugar, Lawrence, Pozzuto, Holbert, Toller, Watson, Kauffman

Others Present: Catherine Rigsby, Nan Lee

3/10/05 Nasea, Sugar, Lawrence, Holbert, Tovey

Ex-Officio Members Present: John Toller

4/14/05 Nasea, Sugar, Holbert, Tovey, Toller, Pravica, Watson

Others Present: Catherine Rigsby


3.      Subcommittees established during the year (include progress and/or completion of work).

Serious Illness and Disability Leave (completed); Faculty Salaries (conducted surveys and reported to Faculty Senate; will continue next year); Faculty Mentoring (conducted surveys and report distributed to Faculty Senate; will continue next year)


4.      Accomplishments during the year, especially as addressed through committee goals.  Please include recommendations made to any University agency other than the Faculty Senate that will be noted under #5.


5.       Reports to the Faculty Senate (include dates and resolution numbers).

November 9, 2004

Preliminary Faculty Salary Report


February 22, 2005

Preliminary faculty mentoring report distributed


March 22, 2005

Resolution on Domestic Partners (Resolution 05-20; referred back to committee for clarification and possible rewording)

Proposed Policy on Serious Illness and Disability Leave for Faculty (Resolution 05-21; passed)

Addition to the ECU Faculty Manual, Part V. Section I.BB. relating to Mace Bearer (Resolution 05-22; passed)

Revision to the ECU Faculty Manual, Part VI. relating to parking privileges for retired faculty (Resolution 05-23; passed)


April 19, 2005

Resolution on Faculty Salary Practices (Resolution 05-35; passed)


6.       Business carried over to next year (list in priority order).

1. Continue to review ECU salary conditions and report to the Faculty Senate

2. Review status of and recommend a policy for recruitment and retention of ethnic minority faculty

3. Continue to review ECU mentoring practices and report to the Faculty Senate

4. Consider drafting a policy on off-campus scholarly assignment (March 10, 2005 memo from Faculty Chair Rigsby)

5. Re-consider Resolution on Domestic Partners (referred back to committee)

6. Survey of faculty benefits and perks at ECU and other UNC-system universities (including health plan)

7. Sick leave for 12 month faculty (including revision of Serious Illness policy)

8. Hear and act on reports from the Fixed Term Faculty Committee (Resolution 04-04)


7.       Evaluation of the committee (include anything that hindered or assisted the

          committee's work during the year).

The Committee's charge seems appropriate but the personnel might need to be expanded to include a university attorney. Attendance of committee members was sufficient for the committee to meet and accomplish its goals with the exception of Dec. 9, 2004 when there was no quorum. The responsibilities were handled successfully. The three subcommittees were crucial to the accomplishment of the Committee's work. Lori Lee was a great help to the chair and committee.


8.       Suggestion(s) to the Chair of the Faculty and/or Faculty Senate for improving the effectiveness of the committee.

If the committee is to continue writing quasi-legal documents such as the policy on serious illness and disability leave, the committee might need a university attorney as an ex-officio member.


9.       Does the Committee’s organizational meeting next year need to be earlier than the date set this year? yes


          If yes, when do you prefer: Thursday, August 25


Chairperson:   Melissa Nasea

Secretary:  David Lawrence