2004-2005 Academic Year


COMMITTEE:  Research/Creative Activity Grants Committee


1.       Membership (include ex-officio members).

Seodial Deena, Elias Katsoulis, John Collins, Jane Painter (Secretary), Carol Brown, Steve Estes (Chair), Mark Sprague, Marieke Van Willigen , Paul Gares, Leslie Omoruyi, Jonathan Reed, Mark Jones, Jeff Phipps, Anthony Overton EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS (with vote), Anne Dickerson , Alan Schreier, David Rosenthal, Jeff Popke, Reide Corbett, William Allen


2.      Meeting Dates (include members present*).

September 1: Persons Presiding:  Catherine Rigsby (Chair, Faculty Senate) and Steve Estes (Committee Chair), Secretary:  Jane Painter.  Regular Members in Attendance:  John Collins, Mark Jones, Elias Katsoulis, Leslie Omoruyi, Mark Sprague.  Ex-Officio Members in Attendance:  William (Toby) Allen, Reide Corbet, Anne Dickerson, Jeff Popke, David Rosenthal, Al Schreier.  Others in Attendance:  Vice-Chancellor John Lehman, Rita Reeves (for Jim Smith),  and Lori Lee


October 22: Steve Estes, Seodial Deena, David Rosenthal, Jeff Popke, John Collins, John Cope, Jeff Phipps, Jane Painter  (not taken for sub-committee 1)

November 11: Toby Allen, John Collins, Reide Corbett, Seodial Deena, Anne Dickerson, Paul Gares, Elias Katoulis, Jane Painter, Jeff Popke, John Reed, David Rosenthal, Al Schreier, Mark Sprague


 3.      Subcommittees established during the year (include progress and/or completion of work).  Proposals were divided between two subcommittees for review and discussion.  All proposal rankings were presented to the committee(s) for further review and discussion on three occasions.

  Committee 1                      Committee 2

Estes (chair)                                         Deena (chair)

Yang                                                       Collins

Katsoulis                                               Brown

Painter                                                   Stapleton              

Sprague                                                Omoruyi

Van Willigen                                         Jones

Hapke                                                    Souto

Schreier                                                 Hamilton

Reed                                                      Dickerson


4.      Accomplishments during the year, especially as addressed through committee goals.  Please include recommendations made to any University agency other than the Faculty Senate that will be noted under #5.   
68 proposals were reviewed.  12 were eliminated because they did not meet proposal criteria.  56 proposals were ranked.  40 proposals were recommended for funding.  26 were funded by the Vice Chancellor's office in two separate rounds of funding – 16 in the first round, 10 in the second round.


5.       Reports to the Faculty Senate (include dates and resolution numbers).  none


6.       Business carried over to next year (list in priority order).

Recommend that the following items be discussed at the first meeting in the fall of 2005:

1.0       Summer support for faculty who already have summer support or will have summer support from another source.

2.0       Mission  - what are we trying to accomplish with this grant process?  For instance:  funding new investigators, or seed grant support, or funding those who have received multiple awards in the past, etc.?

3.0       Accountability:  productivity from previous awards.  Detailed accounting for past awardees – grants, pubs, other.

4.0       Committee consider that, if we fund multiple times, that we have some other additional criteria other than what we have now,


 7.       Evaluation of the committee (include anything that hindered or assisted the

          committee's work during the year).

          A.      Charge: Charge is clear.

          B.      Personnel:  Personnel is adequate.  Special thanks should be given to Lori Lee, who's administrative work and advice was excellent.  Thanks Lori!  Also, Seodial Deena was an excellent co-chair.

          C.      Attendance:  Attendance was excellent.  Faculty who could not attend meetings continued to particpate through email.  No complaints about attendance or work accomplished.

          D.      Responsibilities:  Evenly divided throughout the committee.

          E.      Activities:  N/A


8.       Suggestion(s) to the Chair of the Faculty and/or Faculty Senate for improving the effectiveness of the committee.

Please request to the VC Research that ECU continue to provide refreshments.  Our work takes a long time, and the refreshments are very much appreciated!


9.       Does the Committee’s organizational meeting next year need to be earlier than the date set this year? 

            No.  We set our calendar for work next year.



                 Jane Painter, Secretary