2005-2006 Academic Year


DUE: May 1, 2006


COMMITTEE:  University Athletics Committee


1.       Membership (include ex-officio members).Rosina Chia, James Holloway, Mark Taggart, Marty Schultz, Alta Andrews, Lessie Bass, Terry Senne, Glenn Rohrer, Laura Beth Nevius, Mike Felts, David Dosser, Layton Getsinger, John Hudson, Henry Peel, Angela Anderson, Nick Floyd, Nita Boyce, Rosie Thompson, Jim Decker, Matthew Cohen, Marques Jones


2.            Meeting Dates (include members present):

·         September 21, 2005 (Alta Andrews, Rosina Chia, James Holloway, Glenn Rohrer, Marty Schultz, Terry Senne, and Mark Taggart, David Dosser, Mike Felts, Nick Floyd, Grant Jarman, Jennifer McMahon, Henry Peel, and Rosie Thompson, Terry Holland, Lori Lee, and Catherine Rigsby.)

·         October 26, 2005 (Alta Andrews, Lessie Bass, Rosina Chia, James Holloway, Glen Rohrer, Marty Schultz, Terry Senne, Mark Taggart, Nita Boyce, David Dosser, Michael Felts, Nick Floyd, Terry Holland, Jennifer McMahon, Rosie Thompson, Lori Lee)

·         November 30, 2005 (Dr. Chia, Dr. Rohrer, Dr. Schultz, Dr. Senne, Dr. Taggart, Ms. Anderson, Ms. Boyce, Ms. Dickson, Dr. Dosser, Dr. Felts, Mr. Holland, Mr. Jarman, Dr. Peel, Ms. Quinn, Ms. Thompson)

·         February 1, 2006 (subcommittee:  Dr. Taggart, Dr. Chia, Dr. Holloway, Dr. Senne, Dr. Felts, Dr. Dosser, Mr. Hudson, Ms. McMahon, Mr. Floyd, Ms. Boyce, Ms. Thompson)

·         March 8, 2006: (Dr. Andrews, Dr. Chia, Dr. Holloway, Dr. Schultz, Dr. Taggart, Ms. Boyce, Dr. Decker, Dr. Dosser, Ms. Thompson)

·         April 3, 2006: (Dr. Taggart, Dr. Andrews, Dr. Chia, Dr. Holloway, Dr. Rohrer, Dr. Senne, Ms. Boyce, Dr. Dosser, Dr. Felts, Mr. Floyd, Ms. Thompson, Coach Stokes, Jeremy Ingram)

·         May 4, 2006:  (Dr. Taggart, Dr. Chia, Dr. Schultz, Dr. Andrews, Dr. Senne, Dr. Rohrer, Dr. Felts, Dr. Dosser, Dr. Peel, Dr. Decker, Ms. Thompson, Ms. Boyce, Ms. Bonner (tutorting program), Doug Coumarad



3.            Subcommittees established during the year (include progress and/or completion of work).

·         Subcommittee to draft resolution on C-USA scheduling to avoid conflict with class time (Felts, resolution passed Faculty Senate, 3/06.)

·         Review University Undergraduate catalog sections aligned with UAC’s charge (Andrews, Schultz, reported in 4/3/06 and 5/4/06 meeting.)

·         UAC subcommittee (2/1/06, agenda complete.)

·         Academic Integrity Subcommittee (2/1/06, review complete.)

·         Academic Integrity Subcommittee (3/8/06, review complete.)



4.            Accomplishments during the year, especially as addressed through committee goals.  Please include recommendations made to any University agency other than the Faculty Senate that will be noted under #5.

The goals that were met were:

·         Development of procedures to employ for the UAC as it completes its transition to a Faculty Senate Committee

·         Review Undergraduate Catalog sections aligned with UAC’s charge

·         Draft resolution on C-USA scheduling in order to avoid class conflicts

·         Examination of athlete attendance policy and University Excused Absence Policy

The on going goals are:

·         Examination of decision-making process in determining student-athlete admissions and eligibility

·         Examination of Gender Equity and Minority Opportunity Plans

·         Establishment of regular meeting times and dates


5.            Reports to the Faculty Senate (include dates and resolution numbers).

·         January 31, 2006: Resolution on Practical Measures to Reduce the Class Days Missed Due to Athletic Competition (#06-04, passed)


6.            Business carried over to next year (list in priority order).

·         Regular Academic Integrity subcommittee reports

·         Admissions and eligibility

·         Gender Equity

·         Monitor issues related to class attendance

·         Clarification on Performance-based admission policy as it relates to student athletes’ in competition

·         Help implement Visiting Student Status for visiting student-athletes


7.       Evaluation of the committee (include anything that hindered or assisted the

          committee's work during the year).

          A.      Charge:  The charge is clear.

          B.      Personnel:            The personnel were dedicated and professional.

          C.      Attendance:         With so many committee members, including ex-officio, there was some difficulty in this area.  Perhaps a regularly scheduled meeting time might be a solution.

          D.      Responsibilities:  Responsibilities were clear.

          E.      Activities:            Committee activities were fulfilled with utmost professionalism.


7.            Suggestion(s) to the Chair of the Faculty and/or Faculty Senate for improving the effectiveness of the committee.

Perhaps establishing a regular meeting time.


9.       Does the Committee’s organizational meeting next year need to be earlier than the date set this year?  No.


  Signed:  Chair_________________________________



Please forward the completed annual report to the Faculty Senate office at facultysenate@ecu.edu no later than Monday, May 1, 2006.  Thank you.