2005-2006 Academic Year


DUE: May 1, 2006


COMMITTEE:  _  Student Scholarship, Fellowship, and  Financial Aid Committee________________


1.  Membership (include ex-officio members).

Regular Members

Chal Benson                Mathematics
Brent Henze                English
Anthony Overton        Biology
Kindal Shores             Health and Human Perf
Monica Hough            Allied Health Sciences
Jill Carlson                  Theatre and Dance

Ex-officio members (with vote)

Mary Ann Jenkins       Rep. of Chancellor - Financial Aid Services
Shelly Myers               Rep. of Provost – Academic Advising
Connie Ciechalski       Faculty Senator – Technology and Computer Sc.
Megan Wallace           Rep of SGA               



 2.        Meeting Dates (include members present*).

September 26, 2005: Chal Benson, Brent Henze, Kindal Shores, Monica Hough, Jill Carlson,    Mary Ann Jenkins, Catherine Rigsby


October 24, 2005: Chal Benson, Brent Henze, Jill Carlson, Anthony  Overton, Mary Ann Jenkins, Connie Ciechalski


November 28, 2005: Chal Benson, Brent Henze, Jill Carlson, Mary Ann Jenkins, Bill Clark, Vicky Morris (from ECU Foundation)


January 30, 2006: Chal Benson, Brent Henze, Jill Carlson, Anthony Overton, Mary Ann Jenkins, Matt Wagoner (from SGA)


February 27, 2006: meeting cancelled


March 27, 2006: meeting cancelled


April 24, 2006: Chal Benson, Brent Henze, Jill  Carlson, Anthony  Overton, Mary Ann Jenkins






2.  Subcommittees established during the year (include progress and/or completion of work).



3.              Accomplishments during the year, especially as addressed through committee goals.  Please include recommendations made to any University agency other than the Faculty Senate that will be noted under #5.


The committee chose the recipients of the Lillian Jenkins, Probey, Andrews, Eastern North Carolina, and Chevrolet scholarships. These awards, administered by the Office of Financial Aid, totaled$10,910 this year.

The committee invited representatives from the ECU Foundation to discuss fundraising for scholarships. Vicki Morris and Bill Clark provided an excellent overview of Foundation operations.

The committee met with SGA representative Matt Wagoner concerning textbook costs. During the 2004-2005 academic year, our committee studied this issue and produced a report. The SGA and the ECU Parents Council both examined textbook costs during the 2005-2006 academic year. The committee endorsed an SGA resolution (dated 11/07/2005) on this matter. The SGA subsequently asked ECU Dowdy Stores to append a copy of their resolution to the course textbook adoption forms sent to faculty members during the spring. The committee chair communicated our support of the SGA request to Wanda Scarborough, director of ECU Dowdy Stores. Faculty members did subsequently receive a flyer and email message from ECU Dowdy concerning textbook costs.

Several committee members participated in the ECU Scholarship Selection Weekend, March 24-25, 2006.  Jill Carlson and Chal Benson served on scholarship selection committees that interviewed potential candidates.



5.       Reports to the Faculty Senate (include dates and resolution numbers).


6.       Business carried over to next year (list in priority order).

a.      The Faculty Senate passed resolution #03-61 (on Aid to Students in Poverty) in December of 2003. The resolution requests that $5 million of the Centennial Capital Campaign be held in endowment, the earnings to be used as grant aid for economically disadvantaged ECU students. This committee should continue to monitor the success of the Centennial Capital Campaign in collecting monies that can be used to aid students in poverty, and to participate as needed in development of criteria for awarding and dispersing such grant aid.

b.       To continue to participate in Scholarship Weekend and to investigate how to help attract merit scholars to ECU

7.       Evaluation of the committee (include anything that hindered or assisted the

          committee's work during the year).

A.        Charge: Appears appropriate
B.             Personnel: Committee worked well together
C.             Attendance: A quorum was present to conduct business at each meeting. Schedule conflicts did, however, make it difficult for some members to attend meetings. Committee member David Ozag resigned following the first meeting and was not replaced by the Faculty Senate.
D.              Responsibilities: Committee’s charge is to review the policies or procedures for scholarship awards and financial aid to help develop such policies and assist in attraction of qualified students.
E.               Activities: Heard from the ECU Foundation regarding fundraising.  Followed up on last year’s study of textbook costs, endorsing an SGA resolution on this issue that was provided to faculty by ECU Dowdy Stores. Selected scholarship recipients for various university scholarships.


8.       Suggestion(s) to the Chair of the Faculty and/or Faculty Senate for improving the effectiveness of the committee.



9.       Does the Committee’s organizational meeting next year need to be earlier than the date set this year?



          If yes, when do you prefer:_____________________________________________



                                                  Signed:  Chairperson _______Chal Benson______________


                                                                  Vice Chair   _______Brent Henze______________


Please forward the completed annual report to the Faculty Senate office at facultysenate@ecu.edu no later than Monday, May 1, 2006.  Thank you.