2005-2006 Academic Year


COMMITTEE:  University Teaching Grants


1.       Membership (include ex-officio members).  Carmen Russoniello, Blaise Williams, Jean-Luc Scemama, Gail Ratcliff, Tony Capehart, Hanna Jubran, Carol Brown, Hussein Abaza, Rebecca Torres, Jan Tovey, Gerald Prokopowicz, Steve Culver, Charles Ewen, Sylvia Brown


 2.      Meeting Dates (include members present*).

          September 28, 2005; October 19, 2005; October 26, 2005; April 11, 2006. See minutes for members present.


3.      Subcommittees established during the year (include progress and/or completion of work). N/A


4.      Accomplishments during the year, especially as addressed through committee goals.  Please include recommendations made to any University agency other than the Faculty Senate that will be noted under #5.  Reviewed 22 proposals, 17 of which met the criteria for full review.  The committe recommended 8 for funding.


5.       Reports to the Faculty Senate (include dates and resolution numbers). N/A


6.       Business carried over to next year (list in priority order). N/A


7.       Evaluation of the committee (include anything that hindered or assisted the

          committee's work during the year).

          A.      Charge: Accomplished

          B.      Personnel: Good interaction

          C.      Attendance: Only one meeting was postponed by poor attendance

          D.      Responsibilities: Everyone complete dtheir tasks.

          E.      Activities:


8.       Suggestion(s) to the Chair of the Faculty and/or Faculty Senate for improving the effectiveness of the committee.


9.       Does the Committee’s organizational meeting next year need to be earlier than the date set this year?  Yes. We would like to be available for applicants to ask questions of the committee.



                                                  Signed:  Chairperson, Blaise Williams


                                                                      Secretary,   Rebecca Torres