2006-2007 Academic Year

Revised 9-5-07


COMMITTEE:  Research/Creative Activity Grants Committee


 1.       Membership (include ex-officio members).

Seodial Deena, Chair, English; Paul Gares, Co-Chair, Geography; Daniel Wong, Allied Health Sciences; Elias Katsoulis, Mathematics; David Rosenthal, Business; John Bishop, Economics; Carol Jenkins, Social Work; Tarek Abdel-Salem, Technology and Computer Science; Mark Sprague, Physics; Mary Schmidt, Education; Carmine Scavo, Political Science; Jeff Bair, School of Music; Suzanne Orr, Health and Human Performance; John A. Tucker, Secretary, History.


Ex officio members included Carl Billingsly, Representative of the Chancellor; Margie Gallagher, Human Ecology, Representative of Provost (Spring 2007); Joseph Chalovich, Representative of the Vice Chancellor for Health Sciences-Medicine; Alan Schreier, Representative of Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Studies; Glen Gilbert, Representative of Provost (Fall 2006), Health and Human Performance; Salman Abdulali, Representative of the Chair of the Faculty, Mathematics; Karen Hall, Faculty Senator, Music.


2.      Meeting Dates (include members present*).

August 31:  Seodial Deena, Paul Gares, Daniel Wong, Mark Sprague, David Rosenthal, John Bishop, Tarek Abdel-Salam, Jeff Bair, Mary Schmidt; Suzanne Orr. Attending ex officio members included Salman Abdulali, Glen Gilbert, Alan Schreier, Joseph Chalovich.


September 13: Seodial Deena, Paul Gares, Daniel Wong, Elias Katsoulis, David Rosenthal, John Bishop, Tarek Abdel-Salem, Jeff Bair, John A. Tucker. Attending ex officio members included Alan Schreier, Glen Gilbert, Salman Abdulali, Karen Hall.


September 20: Paul Gares, Suzanne Orr, Mark Sprague, Carol Jenkins, Daniel Wong, Elias Katsoulis, David Rosenthal, John Bishop, Mary Schmidt, Jeff Bair, John A. Tucker. Attending ex officio members included Al Schreier, Mark Taggart, Glen Gilbert, Salman Abdulali, Karen Hall.


September 26: Paul Gares, Suzanne Orr, Mark Sprague, Carol Jenkins, Karen Hall, Daniel Wong, Elias Katsoulis, David Rosenthal, Mary Schmidt, Jeff Bair, John A. Tucker.  Attending ex officio members included Al Schreier, Mark Taggart, Carl Billingsly.


November 8:  Seodial Deena, Paul Gares, Suzanne Orr, Mark Sprague, Tarek Abdel-Salem, Carol Jenkins, John Bishop, David Rosenthal, Mary Schmidt, Jeff Bair, Carmine Scavo, John A. Tucker. Attending ex officio members included Al Schreier, Karen Hall, Gill Gilbert, Salman Abdulali, Carl Billingsly.


January 25, 2007: Seodial Deena, Paul Gares, David Rosenthal, John A. Tucker. Attending ex officio members included Al Schreier.

February 7, 2007: Seodial Deena, Paul Gares, Suzanne Orr, Tarek Abdel-Salem, Carol Jenkins, John Bishop, David Rosenthal, Mary Schmidt, Jeff Bair, Carmine Scavo, John A. Tucker. Attending ex officio members included Deirdre Mageean, Alan Schreier, Karen Hall, Salman Abdulali, Margie Gallagher, Daniel Wong.


February 28, 2007: Seodial Deena, Paul Gares, Suzanne Orr, Tarek Abdel-Salem, Carol Jenkins, John Bishop, David Rosenthal, Daniel Wong, Mark Sprague, Mary Schmidt, Jeff Bair, Carmine Scavo, Elias Katsoulis, John A. Tucker. Attending ex officio members included Mark Taggart, Karen Hall, Salman Abdulali, Margie Gallagher, Carl Billingsly.


April 4, 2007: Seodial Deena, Paul Gares, Suzanne Orr, Tarek Abdel-Salem, Carol Jenkins, Alan Schreier, David Rosenthal, Mark Sprague, Mary Schmidt, Jeff Bair, Carmine Scavo, Elias Katsoulis, John A. Tucker. Attending ex officio members included Mark Taggart, Karen Hall, Salman Abdulali, Margie Gallagher, Carl Billingsly.


 3.      Subcommittees established during the year (include progress and/or completion of work).  Proposals were divided between three subcommittees (humanities, social sciences, and sciences) for review and discussion.  All proposal rankings were presented to the committee(s) for further review and discussion on three occasions.

Humanities       Science & Mathematics    Social Sciences                

David Rosenthal                       Paul Gares                                John Tucker

Karen Hall                                Abdel Salem                             John Bishop

Mary Schmidt                           Elias Katsoulis              Margie Gallagher

Seodial Deena                          Salman Abdulali                        Carol Jenkins

Carl Billingsly                            Al Schreier                               Suzanne Orr

Jeff Bair                                    Mark Sprague                          Carmine Scavo

                                                Daniel Wong


4.      Accomplishments during the year, especially as addressed through committee goals.  Please include recommendations made to any University agency other than the Faculty Senate that will be noted under #5.

70 proposals were reviewed.  26 were eliminated because they did not meet proposal criteria. 44 proposals were ranked and sent to VC Research for funding.  XXX proposals were recommended for funding.  XXXX were funded by the Vice Chancellor's office.


5.       Reports to the Faculty Senate (include dates and resolution numbers).


6.       Business carried over to next year (list in priority order). N/A


7.       Evaluation of the committee (include anything that hindered or assisted the

          committee's work during the year).

          A.      Charge: Charge is clear.

          B.      Personnel:  Personnel is adequate. 

          C.      Attendance:  Attendance was excellent. 

D.            Responsibilities:  Evenly divided throughout the committee.


E.             Activities:  N/A


8.       Suggestion(s) to the Chair of the Faculty and/or Faculty Senate for improving the effectiveness of the committee.

Please request to the VC Research that ECU continue to provide refreshments.  Our work takes a long time, and the refreshments are very much appreciated!

9.       Does the Committee’s organizational meeting next year need to be earlier than the date set this year? 

            No.  We set our calendar for work next year

Signed:  Chairperson

The completed, typed report, including both the Chair and Secretary's signatures, is due in the Faculty Senate office (140 Rawl Annex) by May 3, 2004.