2007-2008 Academic Year


COMMITTEE:  ________Teaching Grants_______________________


1.       Membership (include ex-officio members).


          Blaise Williams

         Jan Tovey

         Gerald Prokopowicz

         Jennifer Bugos

         Mary Pickard

         Gail Ratcliff

          John Bort

         Boni Boswell

         Melissa Engleman

         Omar Cinar Elci

         Yong Zhu

         Jason Yao

         Steve Culver

         Lynne Davis

         Carol Winters-Moorhead

         Tom Douglass

         Todd Fraley


 2.      Meeting Dates (include members present*).
* and members who contributed to committee action, but were not at the meeting.

          August 30, 2007

          October 11, 2007

          November 1, 2007

          November 29, 2008

          February 6, 2008 (subcommittee meeting)

          February 25, 2008


          (see minutes for attendance)


3.      Subcommittees established during the year (include progress and/or completion of work).


         An Ad Hoc subcommittee headed by Jan Tovey was formed to review and revise grant application and evaluation forms. Revisions were completed and approved by the Faculty Senate on March 18, 2008.


4.      Accomplishments during the year, especially as addressed through committee goals.  Please include recommendations made to any University agency other than the Faculty Senate that will be noted under #5.


          Reviews 36 proposals, 35 of which met the criteria for full review. The 

         committee recommended 15 for funding. All were funded. One proposal

which did not fall under the committee’s charge was also referred to the Provost and was subsequent funded.


5.       Reports to the Faculty Senate (include dates and resolution numbers).


6.       Business carried over to next year (list in priority order).


7.       Evaluation of the committee (include anything that hindered or assisted the

          committee's work during the year).

          A.      Charge:  Accomplished

          B.      Personnel:  Very good interaction

          C.      Attendance:  All meetings were held as scheduled

          D.      Responsibilities:  Everyone completed their tasks

          E.      Activities: N/A


8.       Suggestion(s) to the Chair of the Faculty and/or Faculty Senate for improving the effectiveness of the committee. None


9.       Does the Committee’s organizational meeting next year need to be earlier than the date set this year?  NO


                                                  Signed:  Chairperson, John Bort



                                                     Secretary, Omur Cinar Elci