2007-2008 Academic Year


COMMITTEE:  __Unit Code Screening Committee____


1.           Membership (include ex-officio members).

Regular Members: Byrna Coonin, Charles Coddington, Beth Velde S, Andrew Morehead VC, Mark McCarthy,Carl Swanson, Garris Conner C, Ex-officio: Kristen Bonatz, Susan McCammon, Myra Brown, Bill Grossnickle, David Weismiller


2.            Meeting Dates (include members present*).

* and members who contributed to committee action, but were not at the meeting.

·         08-27-07 Members Present: Byrna Coonin, Andrew Morehead, Mark McCarthy, Carl Swanson, Kristen Bonatz, Susan McCammon, Myra Brown, Bill Grossnickle, David Weismiller

·         11-15-07 Garris Conner,  Andrew Morehead, Beth Velde, Carl Swanson, Charles Coddington, David Weismiller, Kristen Boratz, Bryna Coonin* Guests: William Forsythe, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics

·         01-24-08 Garris Conner, Kristen Bonatz, Charles Coddington, Bryna Coonin, Bill Grossnickle, Mark McCarthy, Andrew Morehead, and Carl Swanson. Notice of Absence:  Myra Brown, Susan McCammon, and David Weismiller Guests:  Cathy Hall, Psychology Department; Hope Murphy, Assistant University Attorney.

·         02-14-08 Garris Conner, Myra Brown, Andrew Morehead, Bill Grossnickle, Carl Swanson,  Bryna Coonin, Kristen Bonatz, Charles Coddington, Mark McCarthy; Guest: Rebecca Mumlao, Harrell Allen,Dorothy Spencer,Melissa Nasea

·         02-28-08 Garris Conner, Myra Brown, Andrew Morehead, Bill Grossnickle, Carl Swanson, Bryna Coonin, Charles Coddington, Mark McCarthy, David Weismiller, Beth Velde; Guest: Cathy Hall, Bob O’Halloran

·         03-10-08 (electronic) Garris Conner, William Grossnickle, Carl Swanson, Andrew Morehead, Bryna Coonin, Beth Velde, Myra Brown, David Weismiller

·         03-28-08 (electronic)Garris Conner, Myra Brown, Susan McCammon, Carl Swanson, Andrew Morehead, David Weismiller, Bryna Coonin, Mark McCarthy, Beth Velde, William Grossnickle


3.      Subcommittees established during the year (include progress and/or completion of work). NA


4.      Accomplishments during the year, especially as addressed through committee goals.  Please include recommendations made to any University agency other than the Faculty Senate that will be noted under #5.

·   Reviewed UNC Tomorrow document to determine if the UCSC has a role in meeting the initiative

·   Recommended to the Governance Committee an edit to the Unit Code Personnel membership description (ECU Faculty Manual, Appendix D, IV., A., 1., b.)  


5.       Reports to the Faculty Senate (include dates and resolution numbers).

·   September 11, 2007 #07-20 Revision to the School of Medicine’s Unit Code of Operation

·   January 29, 2008 #08-03 Proposed new Department of Nutrition and Dietetics’ Unit Code of Operation and revised College of Nursing’s Unit Code of Operation

·   February 19, 2008 #08-05  Revised Health Sciences Library Unit Code of Operation

·   March 18, 2008 #08-14 Revised Psychology Unit Code of Operation.


·   April 22, 2008 #______ Revised School of Communication Unit Code of Operation, Proposed new Department of Hospitality Management Unit Code of Operation, Revised Brody School of Medicine’s Unit Code of Operation, Proposed revisions to Health Science Library Unit Code of Operation, Proposed revisions to the General Guidelines for Writing and Revising A Unit Code of Operation


6.       Business carried over to next year (list in priority order).



7.       Evaluation of the committee (include anything that hindered or assisted the

          committee's work during the year).

          A.      Charge: Satisfactory

          B.      Personnel: Outstanding to Satisfactory

          C.      Attendance: Satisfactory

          D.      Responsibilities: High importance for shared governance

          E.      Activities: Excellent


8.       Suggestion(s) to the Chair of the Faculty and/or Faculty Senate for improving the effectiveness of the committee.



9.               Does the Committee’s organizational meeting next year need to be earlier than the date set this year? 




                                                  Signed:  Chairperson Garris Conner

                                                                      Secretary   Beth Velde