2008-2009 Academic Year


COMMITTEE:    Admission and Retention Policies


1.          Membership (include ex-officio members).

Regular Members
(with vote)

Academic Unit


Office Location


Xiaoming Zeng  Cosecretary



Belk 216 


David Siegel



Ragsdale  229


Gary Levine  Cochair



Family Practice Center


Natalie Stewart

Theatre and Dance


Messick 216


Dana Espinosa Cosecretary

Health & Human Perf.


Minges 171A


Wendy Sharer    Cochair



Bate 2206


Baohong Zhang



Howell S112


Ex-officio Members
(with vote)





Anthony Britt

Rep. of Chancellor


Director of Admissions
Whichard 106

328- 6641


Kemal Atkins

Rep. of Interim Provost and VC for Academic and Student Affairs


Vice Provost for Student Affairs
Spilman 112


David Kemble

Rep. of Chair of the Faculty 


Health & Human Performance
162 Minges


Shahna Arps

Faculty Senator


Flanagan 223


Michael Swanner

Rep. of Student Government Association


Mendenhall 255




 2.         Meeting Dates (include members present*).
* and members who contributed to committee action, but were not at the meeting.


-        August 25, 2008 -- Shahna Arps, Anthony Britt, Dana Espinosa, David Siegel, Wendy Sharer. Natalie Stewart, Xiaoming Zeng, Baohong Zhang

-        October 6, 2008 -- Shahna Arps, Dana Espinosa, David Siegel, Wendy Sharer. Natalie Stewart, Xiaoming Zeng

-        November 3, 2008 -- Shahna Arps, Anthony Britt, David Kemble, Gary Levine, David Siegel, Natalie Stewart, Michael Swanner, Baohong Zhang, Xiaoming Zeng

-        December 1, 2008-- Shahna Arps, Anthony Britt, David Kemble, Gary Levine, Wendy Sharer, David Siegel, Natalie Stewart, Michael Swanner, Xiaoming Zeng

-        February 2, 2009 -- Shahna Arps, Dana Espinosa, David Kemble,Gary Levine, Wendy Sharer, David Siegel, , Natale Stewart,  Xiaoming Zeng, Baohong Zhang

-        March 2, 2009-- Shahna Arps, Anthony Britt, Gary Levine, David Kemble, Wendy Sharer, David Siegel, Michael Swanner    NO QUORUM PRESENT

-        April 6, 2009-- Shahna Arps, Anthony Britt, Dana Espinosa, David Kemble, Wendy Sharer, David Siegel    NO QUORUM PRESENT


3.               Subcommittees established during the year (include progress and/or completion of work). 

-        Wendy Sharer, Cochair of the committee, served on the Grade Appeal Process Ad Hoc Committee. This University Ad Hoc Committee developed a Grade Appeal Policy document that will be discussed by the whole of the Admission and Retention Policies Committee in the fall of 2009, with the goal of its being presented to the Faculty Senate by the end of the fall semester.



4.        Accomplishments during the year, especially as addressed through committee goals.  Please include recommendations made to any University agency other than the Faculty Senate that will be noted under #5.


-        Held Three Open Forums about suggested revisions to the university’s academic integrity policy. With the feedback gathered from these forums, the revised academic integrity policy will be discussed in committee further in the fall of 2009, with the goal of its being presented to the Faculty Senate by the end of the fall semester.

-        Reviewed and discussed the “Graduation Act,” a resolution from the SGA regarding the university’s calculation of GPA under the forgiveness policy for the purpose of awarding degrees with distinction.  The resolution was sent back to the SGA with a request for more information.

-        Revised course enrollment verification section of faculty manual in response to request from the Registrar and the Director of Enrollment Management.

-        Collaborated with Academic Standards Committee to respond to Section 2.8 of the report of the Strategic Enrollment Management Task Force.

-        Worked with Faculty Chair and Provost to revise final exam policies (these revisions did not appear on the Faculty Senate Agenda due to concerns expressed by members of the Senate Agenda Committee).  This work resulted in no changes to current University policies.


5.          Reports to the Faculty Senate (include dates and resolution numbers).

-    January 27, 2009:  Proposed Revisions to the ECU Faculty Manual, Part V. Academic Information,

Section I. Academic Procedures and Policies in reference to class roll verification. Returned to committee for revision

-    February 24, 2009:  Proposed Revisions to the ECU Faculty Manual, Part V. Academic Information,

Section I. Academic Procedures and Policies in reference to class roll  verification. Approved

-        March 31, 2009: Combined Report Regarding the Strategic Enrollment Task Force Recommendations, Section 2.8: Academic Policy Changes


6.          Business carried over to next year (list in priority order).

-        Compose and forward to the Faculty Senate catalog and faculty manual wording changes to reflect the joint response of the committee and the Academic Standards Committee to section 2.8 of the SEMTF report

-        Discuss, revise, and forward to the Faculty Senate the proposed Grade Appeal Policy document

-        Discuss, revise, and forward to the Faculty Senate the proposed revisions to the university’s academic integrity policy


7.          Evaluation of the committee (include anything that hindered or assisted the

             committee's work during the year).

             A.         Charge: The distinction between the charge of this committee and the Academic Standards Committee is not clear. Several things that seem to fall under the Admission and Retention Policies Committee seem as if they could also fall under the purview of the Academic Standards Committee and vice versa. It would be very helpful if the Committee on Committees could review, revise, and clarify the charges of these to committees.

             B.         Personnel: NA

             C.         Attendance: The committee did not reach quorum for its final 2 meetings (March and April of 2009). Attendance of regular, voting members needs to be more consistent, especially during the busy time of the spring semester.

             D.         Responsibilities: See comments about the committee’s charge.

             E.          Activities: The committee—several members of it in particular—were quite active this year laying the groundwork for future semesters. The fruits of our labors will most likely come next academic year when the grade appeal and academic integrity documents, as well as the changes to the catalog and Faculty Manual in response to the SEMTF recommendations, go forward to the Faculty Senate.


8.          Suggestion(s) to the Chair of the Faculty and/or Faculty Senate for improving the effectiveness of the committee. As mentioned above, clarifying the charge of this committee, particularly with respect to the similar charge of the Academic Standards Committee, would be very helpful.


9.          Does the Committee’s organizational meeting next year need to be earlier than the date set this year?  No.


             If yes, when do you prefer:_____________________________________________



                                                                   Signed:  Chairperson ______Wendy Sharer __________________________


                                                                   Secretary   _________Dana Espinosa & Xiaoming Zeng  ______________________