2008-2009 Academic Year 

COMMITTEE:  University Environment


1. Membership (include ex-officio members).

Regular members: David Lawrence, Hunt McKinnon, Charles Hodson (Vice-Chair), Marianne Montgomery (Secretary), Jill Twark (Chair), Tim Kelley, Amy Gross-McMillan

Ex-officio: Bill Koch, Eric Gardner, John Core, John Gill, Faye Deters, Catherine Rigsby, Ariel Lopez


2. Meeting Dates (include members present*).


8/28/08: Regular members in attendance: D. Lawrence, C. Hodson, M. Montgomery, J. Twark,  T. Kelley, A. Gross-McMillan; Ex officio members in attendance: B. Koch, E. Gardner, J. Gill, C. Rigsby

9/25/08: Regular members in attendance: T. Kelley, A. Gross-McMillan, J. Twark, M. Montgomery, D. Lawrence, H. McKinnon, C. Hodson; Ex officio members in attendance: J. Gill, E. Gardner, C. Rigsby, B. Koch

10/23/08: Regular members in attendance:  A. Gross-McMillan, J. Twark, M. Montgomery, D. Lawrence, H. McKinnon, F. Deters; Ex officio members in attendance: J. Gill, E. Gardner, C. Rigsby, B. Koch, A. Lopez

11/20/08: Regular Members in attendance: D. Lawrence, H. McKinnon, J. Twark

          Ex officio members in attendance: Tom Pohlman (for B. Koch)

1/22/09: Regular members in attendance: D. Lawrence, C. Hodson, F. Deters, H. McKinnon, T. Kelley, J. Twark, A. Gross-McMillan, M. Montgomery; Ex officio members in attendance: E. Gardner, B. Koch 

2/26/09: Regular members in attendance: D. Lawrence, C. Hodson, H. McKinnon, J. Twark, A. Gross-McMillan, M. Montgomery; Ex officio members in attendance: E. Gardner, B. Koch, J. Gill, C. Rigsby

3/26/09: Regular members in attendance: T. Kelley, J. Twark, M. Montgomery, D. Lawrence, H. McKinnon, C. Hodson; Ex officio members in attendance: J.Gill, B. Koch, F. Deters, A. Lopez


3. Subcommittees established during the year (include progress and/or completion of work).

Heritage Trees (Hodson, Lawrence, Kelley, Gill):  Inventoried east campus heritage trees and submitted Heritage Tree Report, which was an appendix to Faculty Senate Resolution #08-57, Resolution on Green Space and Heritage Trees.


4. Accomplishments during the year, especially as addressed through committee goals.

    Please include recommendations made to any University agency other than the

    Faculty Senate that will be noted under #5.


·  Faculty Senate Resolution #08-57, Resolution on Green Space and Heritage Trees approved by the Faculty Senate and signed by the Chancellor.

·  The Heritage Tree and Green Space resolution and inventory was provided to the master plan consultant in April to be considered as part of the Land Planning portion of the overall ECU Master Plan.

·  Revision of committee charge approved by the Committee on Committees, adding:

         G.  The committee promotes sustainability efforts on campus, which include energy and

               resource conservation, recycling, and the reduction of waste.
H.  The committee raises awareness of, and promotes, sustainability issues in the

               curriculum and in faculty research.

·  Promoted student sustainability projects, including SGA Earth Day activities

·  Hosted guest speakers:

   Dr. Pat Long and Alex Naar, Center for Sustainable Tourism (10/23/08)

   Jack Tawney, Director of Parking and Transportation and John Vaughn, on free

         bicycle pilot program (1/22/09)

   J.J. McLamb, Athletics and Site Solutions/Corey Redfoot Zack design team, on

         new athletics facilities (2/26/09)

   Tom Pohlman, Environmental Health and Safety and Ariel Lopez, on student

          initiatives (3/26/09)


5. Reports to the Faculty Senate (include dates and resolution numbers).


Faculty Senate Resolution #08-57, Resolution on Green Space and Heritage Trees

Approved by the Faculty Senate:  November 4, 2008

Approved by the Chancellor:   December 12, 2008


6. Business carried over to next year (list in priority order).


·    Committee involvement in master planning process

·    Committee plans to review the sustainability initiatives identified in the UNC Tomorrow response (Phase III) and coordinate efforts with the administration to identify gaps, prioritize additional work needed, and identify tasks the committee can take on to help improve sustainability on campus.

·    Pursue adding an Aramark representative as an ex officio member of the UEC

·    Continue to encourage student sustainability initiatives

·    Continue to invite guest speakers, including professors/administrators working on sustainability issues and sustainability coordinators from other North Carolina campuses

·    Encourage dining halls to purchase locally produced foods when possible.


7. Evaluation of the committee (include anything that hindered or assisted the

    committee's work during the year).

           A. Charge: Our charge was expanded this year without difficulty and now reflects the

                committee’s activities and efforts well.

           B. Personnel:  The personnel on the UEC worked well together.

           C. Attendance: Attendance was generally good, with only one meeting falling short of

               quorum.  SGA representative attended only sporadically.  Student representatives

               should be encouraged to attend more frequently.

           D. Responsibilities:  The committee’s success in drafting the heritage trees and green

               space resolution was based on the collective effort of all members. 

           E. Activities:  Beyond regular meetings, the committee did not engage in further activities.


8. Suggestion(s) to the Chair of the Faculty and/or Faculty Senate for improving the

     effectiveness of the committee.


Add a representative of Aramark as an ex officio member of the committee, since dining halls can play a crucial role in promoting campus sustainability.


9. Does the Committee’s organizational meeting next year need to be earlier than the date set this year?  No.      

                                                  Signed:  Chairperson ________________________________


                                                                      Secretary  ________________________________