2009-2010 Academic Year


COMMITTEE:  University Athletic Committee


1.      Membership (include ex-officio members). Art Rodriguez; Mark Moore; Cal Christian; Lori Flint; Stephanie Jilcott; Scott Below; James Anderson; Michael Felts; Walt Jenkins; David Dosser; Taurian Houston; Todd Fraley; Nancy Mize; Nick Floyd; Nita Boyce; Tim Metcalf; Jan Tovey


 2.     Meeting Dates (include members present*).

        September 10, 2009 – Mark Moore; Cal Christian; Lori Flint; Stephanie Jilcott; Scott Below; Mike Felts; Walt Jenkins; David Dosser; Todd Fraley; Nancy Mize; Nick Floyd; Nita Boyce; Tim Metcalf;


        October 20, 2009 - Mark Moore; Cal Christian; Lori Flint; Stephanie Jilcott; Scott Below; James Anderson; Michael Felts; Walt Jenkins; David Dosser; Todd Fraley; Nancy Mize; Nick Floyd; Nita Boyce; Tim Metcalf; Marianna Walker, Jan Tovey, Samantha Lichtner, Gary Overton, Terry Holland


        November 10, 2009 – Mark Moore; Cal Christian; Lori Flint; Scott Below; Michael Felts; David Dosser; Todd Fraley; Nick Floyd; Nita Boyce; Tim Metcalf; Jan Tovey, Terry Holland, Colleen Estes


        February 2, 2010 – Art Rodriquez, Mark Moore; Cal Christian; Lori Flint; Stephanie Jilcott; Scott Below; Michael Felts; David Dosser; Nick Floyd; Nita Boyce; Tim Metcalf; Gary Overton, Terry Holland, Ruffin McNeil


        April 13, 2010 – Mark Moore; Cal Christian; Lori Flint; Scott Below; Michael Felts;  David Dosser; Todd Fraley; Nick Floyd; Nita Boyce; Tim Metcalf; Rosie Thompson, Terry Holland, Colleen Estes.


3.     Subcommittees established during the year (include progress and/or completion of work).

        1) Academic Integrity Sub-committee is already established and met three times to review academic progress and speicla talent waivers.


4.     Accomplishments during the year, especially as addressed through committee goals.  Please include recommendations made to any University agency other than the Faculty Senate that will be noted under #5.

        1) Athletic Dirctor discussed correspondence with fans aregarding academics.

        2) Need to develop a minority opportunity plan

        3) Discussed trends in online education and a need to monitor.

        4) received monthly reports from the Athletic Director

        5) received monthly updates from Assistant Athletic irector for Student Support

        6) The 7th annual Academic Excellence Awards Banquet was held.


 5.     Reports to the Faculty Senate (include dates and resolution numbers).


        David Dosser reported to the Faculty Senate in September.


6.      Business carried over to next year (list in priority order).

        1) The committee will convene a Diversity Sub-Committee.


7.      Evaluation of the committee (include anything that hindered or assisted the

        committee's work during the year).

        A.     Charge: The charge is appropriate.

        B.     Personnel: The committee had a good mix of representation. The representative of the Pirate Club and the Alumni Association may not benefit from attending this committee.

        C.     Attendance: Attendance was excellent.

        D.     Responsibilities: Responsibilities are appropriate.

        E.     Activities:


8.      Suggestion(s) to the Chair of the Faculty and/or Faculty Senate for improving the effectiveness of the committee.


9.      Does the Committee’s organizational meeting next year need to be earlier than the date set this year? No 


The date that has been set is okay.


        If yes, when do you prefer:_____________________________________________



                                          Signed:  Chairperson ___Scott Below


                                                          Secretary   __Lori Flint________