2009-2010 Academic Year


COMMITTEE:  Student Academic Appellate Committee


1.       Membership (include ex-officio members).

Mike Brown                              Karen Kelly                    Cindy Putnam-Evans

Kenneth Ferguson                  Liz Fogarty                     Jeni Parker

Henry Newkirk                         Anne Mallory                  Elizabeth Layman           

Lynn Roeder                           Johnathan Morris         SGA Rep. - Vacant


 2.      Meeting Dates (include members present*).
* and members who contributed to committee action, but were not at the meeting.


          September 2, 2009: Brown, Kelly, Putnam-Evans, Ferguson, Fogarty, Parker, Newkirk, Mallory, Layman, Roeder, Morris, SGA Representative

          October 7, 2009: Brown, Kelly, Putnam-Evans, Ferguson, Fogarty, Parker, Newkirk, Mallory, Layman, Morris

          November 4, 2009: Brown, Kelly, Putnam-Evans, Ferguson, Fogarty, Parker, Newkirk, Mallory, Layman, Roeder, Morris

          December 2, 2009: Brown, Kelly, Putnam-Evans, Ferguson, Parker, Newkirk, Mallory, Layman, Morris

          January 13, 2010: Brown, Putnam-Evans, Ferguson, Fogarty, Parker, Newkirk, Mallory, Layman, Morris

          February 3, 2010: Brown, Putnam-Evans, Ferguson, Fogarty, Parker, Newkirk, Mallory, Morris

          March 3, 2010: no official attendance – members voted online

          April 7, 2010: Brown, Kelly, Putnam-Evans, Ferguson, Fogarty, Newkirk, Mallory, Layman, Roeder, SGA Representative   

          May 5, 2010:  Brown, Putnam-Evans, Ferguson, Fogarty, Parker, Newkirk, Mallory, Layman, Morris

          August 16, 2010: (Has not occurred yet)


3.      Subcommittees established during the year (include progress and/or completion of work).    None.


4.      Accomplishments during the year, especially as addressed through committee goals.  Please include recommendations made to any University agency other than the Faculty Senate that will be noted under #5.

·                The Committee made increased efforts to obtain information from faculty members in courses for which students were requesting course drops or late withdrawals.

·                The Committee reinstituted the process to ensure that it was hearing appropriate student financial aid appeals.

·                The Committee continued to partner with the Dean of Students Office to refer students who appeared to need further assistance to be successful at ECU.






5.       Reports to the Faculty Senate (include dates and resolution numbers).   None.


6.       Business carried over to next year (list in priority order).   None.


7.       Evaluation of the committee (include anything that hindered or assisted the

          committee's work during the year).

          A.      Charge: Met the areas of responsibility under our charge.

          B.      Personnel: Highly enthusiastic membership and great continued support from the          Center for Academic Services and the Office of Financial Aid.

          C.      Attendance: Generally been very good. The student government representative attended only one meeting this year which was a significant change from last year’s SGA representative.

          D.      Responsibilities: Changes in readmission policies added significantly to the work load of the committee. The committee continued to hear financial aid appeals.

          E.      Activities: NA


8.       Suggestion(s) to the Chair of the Faculty and/or Faculty Senate for improving the effectiveness of the committee.  None.


9.       Does the Committee’s organizational meeting next year need to be earlier than the date set this year? 

·                No




                                                  Signed:  Chairperson ________________________________


                                                                      Secretary   _______________________________