2009-2010 Academic Year




1. Membership (include ex-officio members). Hanna Jubran, Punam Madhok Jonathan Dembo, Alice Feret, Richard Bamberg, Sarah Colby, Qun Lu, Austin Bunch, Susie Harris, Hunt McKinnon, John Given and Travis Poole


2.  Meeting Dates (include members present*).

* and members who contributed to committee action, but were not at the meeting.


September 28, 2009: Sarah Colby, Jonathan Dembo, Alice Feret, Qun Lu

October 26, 2009: Sarah Colby, Jonathan Dembo, Alice Feret, Hanna Jubran

November 22, 2009: Sarah Colby, Jonathan Dembo, Alice Feret, Hanna Jubran, Qun Lu

February 22, 2010: Sarah Colby, Jonathan Dembo, Alice Feret, Hanna Jubran, Qun Lu, Punam Madhok

April 19, 2010: Jonathan Dembo, Alice Feret, Hanna Jubran, Qun Lu, Punam Madhok


3. Subcommittees established during the year (include progress and/or completion of work). John Given, Susie Harris, and Travis Poole volunteered to form a subcommittee to review student GPA’s and “satisfactory academic progress” in late December for Financial Aid.


4.Accomplishments during the year, especially as addressed through committee goals.  Please include recommendations made to any University agency other than the Faculty Senate that will be noted under #5.


Appeals Charge Decision on whether committee should take on the Financial Aid appeals process was discussed. Concerns were voiced that if this appeal process became the charge of this committee, then the committee would be in the situation of writing the rules and then also enforcing them. There was thought that this may appear to be a conflict of interest. Because there has never been a conflict with the same student going through academic appeals and Financial Aid awards appeals at the same time, it has been recommended that we report to Julie Poorman that the current charge is appropriate. Motion was made to report to Julie Poorman that this committee does not need to move forward to change the current charge. Second made. Motion Passed.


Jubran will communicate to Julie Poorman the possibility of Increasing scholarship awards. Last time increases were made in the award amounts was in 1998. Increases will be recommended based on percent tuition increases since 1998. Cathy Laney will investigate the percent increases in tuition. Based on the information the committee will recommend increases.

Jubran will then send the recommendations to Lori Lee and Julie Poorman for increases in awards. 

Jeremy Jordan, Assistant Director for Scholarships in the Office of Student Financial Scholarship has noted that the Eastern NC Foundation Scholarship was unable to be awarded due to poor performance for the second consecutive year.


The committee met to select recipients and alternates for the ECU Retired Faculty, Andrews Scholarship, Chevrolet Scholarship:

By majority vote, the SSC Committee recommended the following candidates for scholarships:


ECU Retired Faculty Association Undergraduate Scholarship:

            1st choice: Skylar Brooke Mills; 2nd choice: S. Dellana; 3rd choice: P. Kayla


Andrews Scholarship:

            1st choice: A. Wittenauer; 2nd choice: S. Westerman


Chevrolet Scholarship:

            1st choice: S. Haddock; 2nd choice: B. Widman


5.       Reports to the Faculty Senate (include dates and resolution numbers). None     


6.       Business carried over to next year (list in priority order). None


7.       Evaluation of the committee (include anything that hindered or assisted the

          Committee’s work during the year).

          A.      Charge: Appears Appropriate

          B.      Personnel: Committee worked well together

          C.      Attendance: Meeting times and days were changed to accommodate as many committee members and EX –officio as possible

          D.      Responsibilities: The committee fulfilled its responsibilities

          E.      Activities: the committee’s workload moderate, but appropriate to its charge


8.       Suggestion(s) to the Chair of the Faculty and/or Faculty Senate for improving the effectiveness of the committee. None


9.       Does the Committee’s organizational meeting next year need to be earlier than the date set this year?  No



Signed:  Chairperson ___Hanna Jubran____________________________



Secretary   _______________________________