East Carolina University Faculty Senate



Faculty Senate Resolution #01-9, February 27, 2001, editorially revised #05-16



1.         Name:  Continuing and Career Education Committee


2.         Membership:


            7 elected faculty members. 


Ex‑officio members (with vote):  The Chancellor or an appointed representative, the Provost or an appointed representative, the Chair of the Faculty, one faculty senator selected by the Chair of the Faculty, and one student member from

            the Student Government Association. 


The chair of the committee may invite resource persons as necessary to realize the committee charge. The chair of the committee may appoint such subcommittees as he or she deems necessary.


3.         Quorum:  4 elected members exclusive of ex-officio.


4.         Committee Responsibilities:


            A.   The committee reviews program quality, faculty, student services, support services, and policies and future directions relating to continuing education, distance education, summer school, weekend university, and lifelong learning.

            B.   The committee examines and recommends policies relating to continuing education, distance education, and summer school teaching, including qualifications, number of hours, and compensation.

            C.   The committee reviews career and cooperative education programs of the University.

            D.   The Committee reviews at least annually those sections within the University Undergraduate Catalog that corresponds to the Committee’s charge and recommends changes as necessary.


5.         To Whom The Committee Reports:


            The committee makes its recommendations to the Faculty Senate. 


6.          How Often The Committee Reports:


            The committee reports to the Faculty Senate at least once a year and at other times as necessary.


7.         Power Of The Committee To Act Without Faculty Senate Approval:




8.         Standard Meeting Time:


            The committee meeting time is scheduled for the fourth Wednesday of each month.



This new committee replaced the Continuing Education and Career Education Committees.