COMMITTEE:          Academic Awards


MEETING DATE:    December 7, 2006


PERSON PRESIDING:      Patricia Dragon (chair)


MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE:    Jessica Christie, Jennifer Williams, Bob Lust, Rebecca Powers, Paul Gemperline, Dot Clayton






Agenda Item: Approval of the November 2006 committee minutes



Discussion:  None



Action Taken:  Minutes approved



Assigned additional duties to:  None




Agenda Item:  Progress report from the various teaching and research award subcommittees.





Alumni Awards – Continued review of portfolios over the semester break.  Finalist will be invited by early January.  Bob Lust was appointed as faculty member subcommittee chair.


5 Year and Lifetime Achievement Awards – Decision will be made by subcommittee by the end of the semester.  The subcommittee chair (Rebecca Powers) will draft the letter of recommendation based on a previous template.


Max Ray Joyner Award – Continued review of portfolios.  Finalists will be nominated by the end of the semester and Teaching CDs will be requested by Jennifer Williams in early January and reviewed in February by subcommittee.  The subcommittee needs to establish contact with the representative appointed by Academic Affairs to review the portfolios.


Board of Governors Awards:  A timeline has been developed and a deadline set.  Final recommendations will be made early to middle March.


Action Taken:  None.



Assigned additional duties to:  Dot Clayton will email Academic Affairs Appointments to subcommittee chairs.




Agenda Item:  Patricia Dragon will forward subcommittee decisions to appropriate individuals for recommendation



Discussion: None


Action Taken:  None



Assigned additional duties to:  Subcommittee chairs will email Patricia Dragon with final recommendations.





NEXT MEETING:    January 11, 2007