March 6, 2006



Members Present: 


Shahnaz Aziz, Jayne Geissler, James Holloway, Leonard Johnston, John Kerbs, Larry Seese (Chair), and Wendy Sharer.








            Chair, Larry Seese called the meeting to order at 4:05 pm.  John Kerbs agreed to serve as secretary for the day and take the minutes.


            Minutes from the previous meeting on February 6th (2006) were unanimously approved.

            Larrry Seese informed the Admission and Retention Committee (ARC) that the Chancellor had signed off on the attendance policy.


            The committee first discussed matters related to determining a transfer credit policy for first-year composition (ENGL 1100 & 1200).  The committee members agreed that Larry Seese would make changes in the suggested language of this policy as per feedback from ARC members.  Thereafter, Larry Seese would present the final draft to the Faculty Senate.

            The committee then discussed matters related to East Carolina University’s Academic Integrity Hearing Policy and Procedures as submitted by Mary Louise Antieau and Margaret Olszewska on March 1st of 2006.  The extensive length and late arrival of this document did not permit adequate time for a full review during the meeting in February.  Hence, the members of the meeting determined that they would review the document and bring comments to April’s meeting.  All additional discussions concerning this document were tabled until April, when the committee members would bring comments and feedback for Mary Louise Antieau and Margaret Olszewska.  James Holloway also noted that the Student Government Association (SGA) should have input on the Academic Integrity Hearing Policy and Procedures.  Jayne Geissler also suggested that that the SGA have time to review and comment on the document prior to the next ARC meeting.  Finally, John Kerbs made a motion that all committee members send suggestions for substantial changes to Larry Seese and Wendy Sharer; all feedback was to be summarized by Larry Seese, who was charged with the responsibility of conveying this feedback to Mary Louise Antieau.  The motion passed unanimously. 

            The Admission and Retention Committee then moved into a discussion of the GPA system at ECU.  Angela tried to obtain information from other universities in North Carolina, but the other universities did not have information to share with ECU.  This lack of information and the delays related to the implementation of the Banner system conjoined to suggest that the GPA discussion should be tabled for the remainder of this academic year.  The committee agreed to resume (in the fall of 2006) a discussion of the pros and cons of a plus-minus grading system at ECU.


            The committee then briefly examined issues of undergraduate attrition at ECU.  It was noted that the retention rate at ECU reached a low in 2005.  Approximately 25% of all freshman fail to reach their sophomore year.  Those most likely to drop out were middle-class white males.  James Holloway suggested that the committee request a presentation from ECU’s Institutional Planning, Research, and Effectiveness Office.  The presentation should focus on undergraduate retention issues and statistics.


Chair Seese adjourned the meeting at 5:10 pm.