COMMITTEE: Admission and Retention Committee


MEETING DATE & TIME: September 11th of 2006 (4:00pm to 5:02pm)




REGULAR MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Dr. Shahnaz Aziz, Dr. John Kerbs, Dr. Carol Nichols, Dr. Natalie Stewart, Dr. Xiaoming Zeng








Agenda Item:  Approval of minutes from meeting on August 28th, 2006.


Discussion:  None


Action Taken:  Minutes were unanimously approved without edits


Assigned Additional Duties To: Not applicable


Agenda Item:  Examination of “Admission and Retention Policies Committee Report” regarding proposed revisions to the ECU Undergraduate Catalogue (Section 2 - - Admission and Readmission of Nontraditional Students).


Discussion:  Members of the Admission and Retention Committee made various suggestions for the simplification of this proposed revision.


Action Taken: The Admission and Retention Committee unanimously voted in favor of continuing this discussion after the proposal was revised as noted below.


Assigned Additional Duties To: Dr. Carol Nichols agreed to revise the proposal for reconsideration at the next Admission and Retention Committee meeting on October 2nd of 2006.


Agenda Item:  Examination of ECU’s “Academic Integrity Hearing Policy and Procedures”


Discussion:  Admission and Retention (A&R) Committee members examined the contents of this document.  It was noted that the A&R Committee is being asked to review and update the document for approval by vote; thereafter, the document should be sent to the Faculty Senate for review and vote.


Action Taken:  Dr. John Kerbs made a motion to approve the document with edits as discussed during the meeting on 9-11-2006.  Dr. Carol Nichols seconded the motion, which unanimously passed by vote.


Assigned Additional Duties To:  Dr. Wendy Sharer agreed to type in the edits as discussed at the meeting.  She will forward the document to the Faculty Senate.


Agenda Item:  Continuation of agenda items for the next meeting on October 2nd.


Discussion: There was minimal discussion aimed at selecting agenda items for the next meeting.


Action Taken:  The A&R Committee agreed to continue discussions regarding the admission and readmission policy for nontraditional students. Moreover, the A&R Committee members agreed to revisit an unfinished agenda item from the prior year - - i.e., the potential implementation of a plus/minus grading system at ECU.  Guest presenters will be invited as needed for the next meeting.  An emphasis will be placed on presenters who can clarify the complexities of plus/minus grading within the new Banner System.


Assigned Additional Duties To:   Not Applicable


















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