Faculty Senate Resolution #91-29

1.         Good Organization of Subject Matter and Course: Reflected in the objectives, course

            materials, assignments, examinations, instructor preparation for class, and effective use of

            class time.

2.         Effective Communication: Reflected in lecturing ability including use of motivational

            techniques such as audiovisual aids, clarity of  presentation, verbal fluency, interpretation of

            abstract ideas, good speaking ability, good listening skills, and the ability to communicate

            the organization and sequence of a course.

3.         Knowledge of and Enthusiasm for the Subject Matter and Teaching:  Reflected in the choice

            of textbook, readings and reference lists, lecture content, course syllabus, and personal

            interest displayed in the subject and in teaching.

4.         Positive Attitudes Toward Students: Reflected by helping students master subject matter,

            encouraging students to ask questions and express opinions, being accessible to students

            outside the classroom, and expressing a general concern for student learning.

5.         Fairness in Examinations and Grading:  Reflected in clarity of student assessment

            procedures including papers, assignments, exams, classroom discussion, and other

            activities, including relative weight toward grade, consistency among objectives, course

            content, and assessment procedures, and timely, useful feedback on student progress.

6.         Flexibility in Approaches to Teaching:  Reflected in the use of alternative teaching strategies

            such as small group discussion, simulations, use of audiovisual materials, and varying the

            approach and pace of instruction to meet different learning styles among students.

7.         Appropriate Student Learning Outcomes:  Reflected in student performance on various

            assessment measures and positive changes in student attitudes and values.