COMMITTEE:   Academic Standards Committee      


MEETING DATE:   January 14, 2008








OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE:   Dr. Ellen Arnold, Department of English and Director of Ethnic Studies; Dr. Chandra Ceruitti, Assistant Director of Ethnic Studies; Dr. Michael Poteat.






Agenda Item:     Approval of the minutes from 11/19/2007 meeting


Action Taken:  Minutes approved


Agenda Item:   Linda Wolfe’s report regarding her discussion with Don Joyner on currently enrolled ECU students who take courses outside of ECU


Discussion:  According to Don Joyner, a course that a student desires to take outside the university and receive university credit would have to be approved in advance. 


Action Taken:  None required



Agenda Item:   Request from Ellen Arnold, Director of Ethnic Studies, for Foundations Credit for ETHN 3501 Selected Topics in Ethnic Studies, Humanities and ETHN 3502 Selected Topics in Ethnic Studies, Social Science


Discussion:  Dr. Arnold presented the information regarding both courses.  These courses are not new; they have been taught as special topics courses in Ethnic Studies.  Ethnic Studies has been tied to the English Department because of some of the offerings, but there is a desire to get Social Studies involved once again. The hope is to expand the Ethnic Studies program and find it a new locale on campus.  Some courses will come up on an alternating schedule for faculty from different disciplines to teach.  Dr. Arnold clarified, however, that only instructors from the Humanities department would teach the Ethnic Studies course in Humanities, and likewise only instructors from the Social Sciences would be permitted to teach the Ethnic Studies course in Social Science.  They are in the process of building a network of syllabi that others can draw upon when constructing their selected topics course.  When asked if disagreements with the instructor are allowed, she answered yes because critical skills will be encouraged and a variety of controversial arguments will be permitted.  She feels that it is important to teach the controversial issues.   A concern was raised that if the director of Ethnic Studies changes, will the new director adhere to the Foundations goals that were approved at this given time?  Dr. Arnold explained that each course would be clear as to which Foundation credit it is listed under (this will be stated in the syllabus) so that it will be clear that the Foundation credit will not necessarily be Humanities.


Action Taken:  While the members present seemed ready to approve the two courses for Foundations credit, the committee did not have a quorum of voting members.  It was decided to revisit the approval of the Ethnic Studies courses at the next meeting when more members will be present.



Agenda Item:  Discussion of Outcomes Assessment of Foundations Courses


Discussion:   Michael Poteat arrived at the meeting to aid in our discussion of the draft of Outcomes Assessment of Foundations Courses.  The main changes are the courses that would be affected would just be the 1000 and 2000 level courses.  Poteat said that the administration is looking for a database to put the assessment results in.  George Bailey said that he would take the revised draft and see that it meets the requirements.  It was decided to change the format so that it is not in a question and answer format (it may remain like this for the website for answers to frequently-asked questions) but as direct as a standard report.


Action Taken:  Dr. Bailey will revise the draft and prepare it for submission to the Faculty Senate.


ADJOURNED:   3:00 p.m. 


NEXT MEETING:  February 18, 2008


ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED:       Dr. Poteat will return to continue our discussion of the SOIS and the new revision concerning teaching outcomes and assessment.  Dr. Arnold will return for further discussion and approval of the ETHN 3501 and ETHN 3502.  Additionally, the committee will consider the request for a meteorology course to receive Basic Science Foundation Curriculum credit.