COMMITTEE:                        Academic Standards Committee (herein after, the Committee)    


MEETING DATE:                   March 16, 2009


PERSON PRESIDING:           Linda Wolfe, Chair-ASC 



Stacey Altman, Michael Brown, Linda Crane Mitchell, Nancy Spalding, Mark Sprague, Karen Voytecki, and Linda Wolfe



George Bailey, Michelle Elbe, Steven Kresch, and Linner Griffin



Wendy Sharer (Admission & Retention Policies Comm)





CALLED TO ORDER:            2:00 p.m.         




Agenda Item:                Approval of the minutes from 2/16/09


Discussion:                   None


Action Taken:               Approved


Agenda Item:                ENGL 3290


Discussion:                   Change syllabus (course schedule specifically) to include more about the methods of analysis in literary studies (in addition to paragraph included in paragraph week 1) or list readings/textual materials. G. Bailey will facilitate changes and get those to L. Wolfe to go to Faculty Senate.


Action Taken:               Approved pending changes (listed above).

Agenda Item:                 Academic Policy Changes (2.8)


Discussion:                   Proposed response to the request from the Faculty Senate that the ASC respond to 2.8 (but not 2.8.9) of the Strategic Enrollment Management Task Force (SEMTF).  Sent under separate attachment was the Academic Standards Subcommittee response to 2.8 we approved last committee meeting.  Wendy Sharer, chair of the Admission and Retention Policies committee discussed differences in Committee responses. Clarified that this is a report for informational purposes, not a formal proposal for change.  The request is that ASC and the ARPC submit a response to the Faculty Senate by March 31, 2009, but again this for informational purposes. The Committees are not requesting specific changes at this time. Approval processes would need to be followed for future action on the proposals.  


A.     Discussed grade replacement for the same course. ASC prefers to limit repeating the same course for grade replacement purposes a maximum of two times (grade replacement would only occur twice/would be taking the course 3 times for that purpose).


B.     Discussed 2.8.6. M. Brown suggested that, for advising personnel, a major issue is that suspended students cannot transfer hours back unless they have more than 30. Students applying to come back do not have to have a certain number of hours. Motion: eliminate “may be considered for readmission” language.  W. Sharer will send to L. Wolfe for distribution to Committees. W. Sharer will ask for time on Faculty Senate agenda.


Action Taken:               Approved “A” (see above)

                                    Approved “B” (see above)


Agenda Item:                Discussion of foundation courses at the 3000 and 4000 level.


Discussion:                   L. Wolfe suggested a couple of courses of action.


Action taken:                Tabled 


ADJOURNED:            3:10 p.m.         


Respectfully submitted, Stacey Altman