COMMITTEE:                        Academic Standards Committee     


MEETING DATE:                  September 15, 2008


PERSON PRESIDING:        Linda Wolfe 




Stacey Altman, Michael Brown, Nancy Spalding, Mark Sprague, Linda Mitchell ,and Linda Wolfe




George Bailey, Michelle Elbe, and Linner Griffin




Jan Tovey, Chair of the Faculty


CALLED TO ORDER:          2:00 PM




Agenda Item:             Election of Committee Officers


Action Taken:            Linda Wolfe elected chair

                                    Nancy Spalding elected Vice Chair

                                    Stacey Altman elected Secretary

Agenda Item:                         Discussion of schedule of meetings


Discussion:                L. Wolfe announced that meetings will take place on:

-October 20, 2008

-November 17, 2008

-February 16, 2009

-March 16, 2009

-April 20, 2009

Agenda Item:                         Discussion of the Charge of the Committee


Discussion:                L. Wolfe explained that Committee Charge was contained in document titled Academic Standards Committee Charge (Faculty Senate Resolution #01-9, February 27, 2001, editorially revised #05-16). She specifically mentioned Item # 4C “The Committee makes recommendations regarding proposed changes, including individual courses, in the general education requirements. …” and directed the Committee to review the others.


Action Taken:            None

Agenda Item:             Discussion of the Guidelines for Outcome Assessment


Discussion:                G. Bailey explained that the development of procedures and criteria for learning goal and outcome assessment was in the purview of the Academic Standards Committee. The administrative task of reviewing the “output” is the responsibility of the Assessment Committee or other administrative mechanism.


L. Wolfe formed a subcommittee consisting of G. Bailey, M. Brown, and L. Wolfe. The subcommittee will provide further guidance/clarification by October 20, 2008. G. Bailey also noted that Deans, Chairs and other administrators should have the guidelines and proceeding to form faculty committees charged with developing a learning goal with at least one learning outcome (and method of assessment for that outcome) for each degree program AND a learning goal and at least one learning outcome (and method of assessment for that outcome) for FOUNDATIONS COURSES.

Agenda Item:             Upcoming FOUNDATIONS COURSE credit proposals


Discussion:                L. Wolfe noted that she expected at least four proposals to be presented at the October meeting.

Agenda Item:             The recording of “Incomplete” when grades are not submitted


Discussion:                J. Tovey reminded the Committee of this issue. G. Bailey provided clarification. The issue has been that students are “given a grade” (I) when in fact, the instructor has not “recorded” a grade. N. Spalding, having experienced the administrative task of correcting such a situation, explained the negative effects of this process. While, the Committee agreed that faculty members should be held accountable for timely grade submission, some additional measures were suggested to deal with the reality of grade submission. One suggestion was to have an alternative word or phrase entered (e.g.  “NG” for no grade submitted). Additionally, it was suggested by M. Sprague that faculty could be given an opportunity (in Banner or via another electronic interface) to enter their grades later (or change the incompletes).

ADJOURNED:          2:40 p.m.


Respectfully submitted, Stacey Altman