COMMITTEE:             Academic Standards


MEETING DATE:    January 14, 2003  Called Meeting


PERSON PRESIDING:      John Tilley


REGULAR MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Jim Decker, Joe Gershtenson, MS Ravi, Catherine Rigsby, Nancy House,


EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Michael Bassman, Pat Dunn, Purificacion Martinez, Dorothy Muller, Katie Slagle






Agenda Item: 1 – Approval of November 26, 2002

Action Taken:  Approved


Agenda Item  2 – Ratification of the vote taken November 26, 2002, regarding the awarding of General Education credit for CLAS 2500 and CLAS 4523

Action Taken:  Martinez/House motion to ratify, motion passed


Agenda Item:  3 – Discussion of the Committee’s role in the transfer of courses from the Departments of English, History and Mathematics to the School of Education.

Discussion:  Tilley reviewed the Senate’s action in this matter; Academic Standards would have no involvement unless someone proposed General Education Credit.

Action Taken: No action necessary


Agenda Item 4 - Discussion of the review of the General Education program, including the progress report scheduled to be delivered at the Faculty Senate meeting on January 28, 2003

Discussion:  Tilley will present the Philosophy of the Foundation Curriculum, but not for a vote.  The need for feedback from the faculty was discussed.  Slagle will seek student feedback through an article in the TEC.  Decker and Tilley will attend a SGA Senate meeting to discuss the Foundation Curriculum.  Slagle will put this on the agenda.  Rick Bamberg will be asked to accompany Decker and Tilley to the meeting.

Discussion of the goals and objectives of the foundation Curriculum was begun.


Agenda Item 5 – Other Business

No other business


Meeting Adjourned



February 17, 2003