Faculty Senate Resolution #95-24

Principles to Guide the Use of the Student Opinion Data

Principle 1:    That student opinion of instruction be only one of the ways to evaluate teaching.    Unit heads, and others who evaluate teaching, should seek additional ways such as peer reviews, reviews of course syllabi, and other methods depending upon   their particular needs and interests.

Principle  2:   Faculty in all eligible courses will allow time for student evaluation forms to be distributed and collected by a student enrolled in the class. This is necessary in order to ensure completeness and reliability of data.  Units would be free, of course, to develop other instruments for use in addition to the Teaching Effectiveness Committee form and, in accord with Appendix C, to use only data from those other instruments.

Principle 3:    That the approved form be administered every semester.

Principle 4:    That data from the approved form be processed in such a way that both individual faculty and unit heads know the following:

a. the mean, median, and standard deviation for items 1 through 23 for each course.

b. A frequency distribution of the responses to each of the 27 items.

c. A summed score for items 1 through 16, a measure of teaching effectiveness.  In addition, unit and institutional means, medians and standard deviations of the effectiveness score will be included for all courses of the same level taught at the university that semester.  For example, statistics will be provided for all 1000-level courses if the course evaluated is a 1000-level course, for all 2000-level courses if the course evaluated is a 2000-level course, and so on up to all 6000-level courses if the course evaluated is a 6000-level course.

d. A summed score for items 17 and 18, a measure of course difficulty.  In addition, unit and institutional means, medians and standard deviations of the difficulty score will be included for all courses of the same level taught at the university that semester.  For example, statistics will be provided for all 1000-level courses if the course evaluated is a 1000-level course, for all 2000-level    courses if the course evaluated is a 2000-level course, and so on up to all 6000-level courses if the course evaluated is a 6000-level course.                

Principle 5:    That any analyses of student opinion pay attention only to data that indicate a statistically high or statistically low performance when compared to the standards.

Principle 6:    That, except in the case of new faculty, administrative evaluations be based not on course-by-course or semester-by semester data but on patterns established over the past several semesters in all courses taught by a faculty member.