MEETING DATE:        October 8, 2009


PERSON PRESIDING:            Shanan Gibson


ATTENDEES:              Johna Faulconer, Shanan Gibson, Reid Parker, Britton Theurer, John Crammer


EX-OFFICIO:               Angela Anderson, Sandy Triebenbacher




The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. in Rawl 142 by Shanan Gibson. Gibson said she had not heard from the SGA representative or the Faculty Senate representative.  Johna Faulconer moved (Angela Anderson seconded) approval of the September 1, 2009 minutes as written.  Motion passed.


The committee has been asked to revise the date for “Late Fees” guideline.  Since Fall 2007 (when Banner was used) the Cashier has been in reactive mode and would now like to clarify the late fee assessment date in order to be proactive.  It is desired that the date be specified with greater detail on the calendar.  They want to add December 31 as the date for the Spring 2010 calendar.  Gibson asked what the general form of the date would be.  Anderson replied that the requested date is the prior business day to the date for the cancel schedule guideline.  Britton Theuer moved that this be established as the last working day before cancel schedules (Reid Parker seconded).  Motion passed.  There was discussion as to whether we need a motion for an editorial change to all existing calendars.  Theuer said that if we agree on the concept there is no problem.  Anderson moved (Faulconer seconded) to make changes to existing calendars.  Shanan would take this to Lori Lee.


The committee next discussed the scheduling guidelines for afternoon classes; this was in response to a request from a faculty member in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures.  Crammer distributed copies of the  Calendar Committee minutes from October 24, 2001 that noted a motion that changed the 1998 approved guidelines that applied to classes starting before 5:00 p.m. to apply the guidelines to classes starting before 2:30 p.m..  Anderson also had information on past guidelines.  The committee agreed that the faculty member who made the request should be told the answer is no to violating the guidelines.  Gibson asked if we can say that we have addressed the guidelines as written and see no reason for changes; the committee agreed that we had done so.


Next, the committee worked on the 2011-2012 academic calendar.  Two versions will be considered: a traditional calendar with a three week break between summer and fall in August and an early start version with a two week break between summer and fall (which would result in a longer Christmas break).  Anderson would like the extra week at the end of the Fall semester to do grades because Banner has made processing grades more difficult.  Theuer said students and faculty would be interested in the later start date; most of the other members of the committee preferred the earlier start.  Crammer suggested that Gibson check with the Faculty Senate; Faulconer said that the Faculty Senate representative should be here.  Theuer prefers the later start for research time.  Gibson pointed out that the earlier start would give a longer winter break but less time after Thanksgiving.  Faulconer noted that North Carolina public schools start on August 25 so the early start date helps.  Anderson said that commencement is late this year.  Gibson suggested that we go back and talk with the faculty, students and administrators.  Anderson said that grades will be due on Saturday this fall; there are major concerns with NR (not reported) grades of which there were 1200 last fall.  Anderson said she gets complaints about having to turn in grades over weekends.  Sandy Triebenbacher asked whether we can send out drafts of the two calendars in order to get comments.  Faulconer said there should be drafts of the early start and the late start versions.  Crammer will fix the exam schedule for the early start calendar and send the two versions to Gibson for distribution.


Gibson changed the next meeting date to Thursday, November 5, 2009 at 10:00 a.m..  Faulconer and Gibson will create a survey link.  Faulconer asked whether we can also send this out to students.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:42 a.m..