MEETING DATE:                January 14, 2009


PERSON PRESIDING:         Shanan Gibson


ATTENDEES:       Punam Madhok, Donna Kain, Johna Faulconer, Kathleen Row, Linda Teel, Shanan Gibson, Terry Jones


EX-OFFICIO:        Amy Bissette (representing Angela Anderson), Rodney Roberts


VISITORS:             John Crammer


The meeting was called to order at 10:00 am in Rawl 142 by Shanan Gibson.  Johna Faulconer moved (Rodney Roberts seconded) approval of the November 18, 2008 minutes with revisions as stated.  Motion passed.  Gibson reminded the group that each member should have printed and brought their own handouts distributed via email for this meeting.


Gibson began a discussion regarding the final exam schedule of common exams.   Gibson received an email requesting that the committee review the schedule of these exams due to an ongoing concern that there may be potential conflicts with the schedule.  Gibson shared two possible solutions:  1. Extend the final exam window such that final exams for the spring term end on May 7 at 7:30 pm (instead of 4:30pm) and schedule their common time for May 7 @ 5 – 7:30 pm or 2.  Allow them to give their final exam on the second the reading day – so their final exam time would be April 29 @ 5 – 7:30 pm.  The committee had questions regarding to the number of students the common exam schedule conflict might affect.   Amy Bissette agreed to ask the Registrar Office to provide such data to determine the number of students that would be scheduled for a common exam and another class exam during the same time.  Once data is collected and available, it will be sent to the committee.  Once the committee reviews the data, a decision will be made concerning the common exam schedule conflicts. 


Gibson extended appreciation to Angela Anderson for the “appeals of suspension” catalog text change.  The deadline change will be the fourteenth day prior to the first day of classes for the fall or spring semester in which the student wishes to attend. The revision will be reflected in the next version of the catalog.


The committee next discussed the following adjustments  made to the 2010-2011Calendar:  1)  March 28th  has been added as the date by which students should apply for summer graduation, 2)  the phrase “last day to pay fees without penalty”  was added to the appropriate dates, and 3) the words, “late registration” and “late” were deleted from the appropriate dates.   The committee asked if any decision had been made regarding the “drop dates.”  Gibson reported that she did email Linda Wolfe with the committee’s request for consideration of this topic by the Academic Standards Committee. Gibson will follow-up and report at next meeting.



The next meeting will be on February 11, 2009 at 10:00 in Rawl (Annex) 142.  The meeting will approve the minutes and work on the final review of the 20010-2011 calendar.  Gibson will make changes to the draft of the calendar and distribute them to committee members for review prior to the next meeting.


Meeting adjourned at 10:43 am.