MEETING DATE:        November 5, 2009


PERSON PRESIDING:            Shanan Gibson


ATTENDEES:              Johna Faulconer, Shanan Gibson, Reid Parker, Britton Theurer, John Crammer, Linda Teel


EX-OFFICIO:               Amy Bissette (for Angela Anderson), Sandy Triebenbacher, Emily Litzenberger




The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. in Rawl 142 by Shanan Gibson.  Britton Theurer moved (Emily Litzenberger seconded) approval of the October 8, 2009 minutes as amended by Johna Faulconer.  Motion passed.


The first topic was discussion of the survey concerning the two proposed calendars.  The feedback from the survey on early start versus traditional calendars showed overwhelming support for the traditional calendar.  Faulconer asked about the response rate; 249 faculty responded to the survey.  Theuer moved to use the traditional calendar (Crammer seconded).  Amy Bissette said that Angela Anderson was okay with the traditional calendar as long as the Fall semester did not go past December 18.  Litzenberger asked what the problems were with the traditional calendar.  Gibson replied that with the traditional calendar the Registrar’s Office has to work weekends and all the way to Christmas to finish grades.  Comments were made concerning some of the reasons given by people preferring the traditional calendar.  Faulconer said we should consider the survey as one factor but the committee has other concerns.  Gibson suggested that we reconsider the issue next year.  Theuer withdrew his motion.  Crammer pointed out that what the committee approves goes to the Faculty Senate and the Chancellor.  Bissette said that with the traditional calendar, students may not know their grades before they go home for Christmas.  Litzenberger asked whether there were problems with Financial Aid; Bissette replied that Financial Aid is not a problem for the Spring semester.  Gibson suggested we re-issue the survey and encourage staff and students to respond and that the committee could meet in December to study the new results.  Faulconer suggested that the Registrar send out information about their concerns.  Gibson said she did not want to sway faculty on the survey.  The sentiment on the committee is for the early start calendar.  Litzenberger asked why ECU is different from other schools in terms of the calendar.  Several reasons were given in response.  The consensus is to re-issue the survey.


Next, the committee studied new changes we have been asked to include from various departments across campus.  The late fees date is changed to two business days prior to the late processing fee date (48 hours before schedules are canceled).  The modification was made (starting with already approved calendars) and the previous date for late fees in the middle of the semester was deleted.  The Admissions Office has given new dates for “Last day to apply as” for: undergraduate student, post baccalaureate teacher licensure student, undergraduate freshman student, undergraduate readmit student, and undergraduate transfer student.  Crammer asked about visiting students for the summer sessions; Bissette replied that deadlines have been firm this year.  She said the deadline can be on a weekend for on-line actions.  Gibson noted we need new deadlines for dropping classes as 38th day for Fall and Spring and 13th day for summer.  Crammer opined that the calendar is becoming cluttered.  Reid Parker asked whether all the changes are due to going away from paper.  Someone asked whether we could put the calendar in the form of an actual calendar.  The consensus was that this is a good idea.


Gibson scheduled the next meeting for Tuesday, December 8 at 2:00 p.m. . 


The meeting was adjourned at 10:47 a.m..