MEETING DATE:      February 11, 2009


PERSON PRESIDING:        Shanan Gibson


ATTENDEES: Punam Madhok, Donna Kain, Johna Faulconer, Kathleen Row, Shanan Gibson, Terry Jones


EX-OFFICIO:  Rodney Roberts


VISITORS:     John Crammer


The meeting was called to order at 10:00 am in Rawl 142 by Shanan Gibson.  It was noted that Linda Teel was presenting at a conference and that Johna Faulconer would take minutes. It was moved by Donna Kain and seconded by Kathleen Row to allow additional time to review the January 14, 2009 minutes with approval by electronic vote following the meeting. Motion passed.  Gibson agreed to resend the minutes. (Following the meeting, minutes were approved by electronic vote.)


Gibson began a discussion regarding the final exam schedule of common exams.   After considering the data collected, there were only three potential conflicts.  Therefore, it was recommended that the common exam schedule stay as is.


There was discussion of the severe weather policy, and the committee next reviewed the following adjustments made at the last meeting to the 2010-2011Calendar:  1) March 28th has been added as the date by which students should apply for summer graduation, 2) the phrase “last day to pay fees without penalty” was added to the appropriate dates, and 3) the words, “late registration” and “late” were deleted from the appropriate dates.  


The committee asked if any decision had been made regarding the “drop dates.”  Gibson reported that she did email Linda Wolfe with the committee’s request for consideration of this topic by the Academic Standards Committee and that it is being studied. That said, Rod Roberts called for a vote to approve the 2010-11 calendar and Donna Kain seconded. All were in favor. 


The calendar will be presented to the Faculty Senate by Shanan Gibson.


Meeting adjourned at 10:49 am.