Educational Policies and Planning Committee

Meeting Minutes

January 8, 2010


I.                    Call to order:  Edson Justiniano, Committee Chair, called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. on January 8, 2010 in Rawl Annex 142.

II.                  The following persons were present:

Members: Rose Allen, Margaret Bauer, Scott Gordon, Dale Knickerbocker, Janice Lewis, Edson Justiniano

Ex-Officio Members: Linner Griffin, George Kasperek, Justin Perry, David Siegel, Marianna Walker

Guests: Sharon Bland

Absent:  Dee Dee Glascoff, James Holloway

III.                Approval of minutes

Minutes of the December 11, 2009 meeting were approved as presented.

IV.                ECU Faculty Manual, Part V. Academic Information, Section III. Curriculum Development

The committee reviewed the text of Faculty Senate Resolution #09-30 in light of the Chancellor’s June 3, 2009 memorandum to the Chair of the Faculty Senate, UNC General Administration’s elimination of certificates of advanced study, financial aid considerations associated with other certificate programs, and the approval/reporting process for teacher licensure areas.  The committee decided to propose additional revisions to Part V, Section III of the ECU Faculty Manual and to refer to Faculty Senate Resolution #09-05 for additional revisions already incorporated into the text.  A motion was made and seconded to accept the following changes:


1.       Delete “of advanced study” from Line 4 of Section III.

2.       Delete Section III. A. 2. Certificates of Advanced Study Programs (CAS)

3.       Change “3. Other Certificates” to “2. Certificates”; delete the text for this item, and replace it with the following:  “A certificate program provides an organized program of study that leads to the awarding of a certificate rather than a degree.  Certificate programs are offered at the pre-baccalaureate, post-baccalaureate, and post-master’s levels.  UNC-GA has indicated that post-baccalaureate and post-master’s certificates must require a specified number of hours (18 sh for post-baccalaureate, and 24 sh for post-master’s) to be reported to the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS).  Program planners should be aware that not meeting these criteria may impact consideration of financial aid eligibility.  Once a certificate is approved, ECU will submit it to the Department of Education to determine if the program is eligible for participation in the Title IV (financial aid) programs.”

4.       Renumber “4. Teacher Licensure Areas” to “3. Teacher Licensure Areas”

5.       Revise the parenthetical sentence following the last bullet in Section III. C. 2. “New Minors, Certificates, Concentrations; Degree Title Changes; Teacher Licensure Areas; and Discontinuing Degree Programs” to read:

“(Once new teacher licensure areas are approved by the North Carolina State Board of Education, they must be reported to UNC-GA.)”


The committee then discussed the desirability of keeping the Vice Chancellors informed during the program development approval process.  A motion was made and seconded that the motion on the floor be amended to include the addition of a new bulleted item to Section III. C. 1.  Steps I and III that states:  “Unit submits documents to the appropriate Vice Chancellor (for information purposes only)”, with the new bullets to follow the existing bullets in Steps I and III that read “Graduate School Administrative Board for master’s or doctoral programs”.  Following further discussion concerning the desirability of adding this language to other portions of III. C., a motion to call the question was made, seconded, and passed unanimously.  A motion to accept the amendment to add a new bulleted item to Section III. C. 1. Steps I and III was passed unanimously.  The original motion, as amended, was then passed unanimously. 


The committee discussed the comments in the Chancellor’s June 3, 2009 memorandum to the Chair of the Faculty Senate pertaining to the current involvement of the Vice Chancellors in reviewing curriculum changes.  The sense of the committee was that the current review process should not be formalized by inclusion in the ECU Faculty Manual.  Chair Justiniano will contact the Chancellor to discuss this issue further.


Lewis will prepare the draft minutes and a revised version of the proposed additional revisions to Part V, Section III of the ECU Faculty Manual and send them to the committee on January 9.  The committee will review the documents, with the goal of approving the minutes via email on Monday, January 11, so that they can be considered at the Agenda Committee’s January 12 meeting.


V.                  2009-2010 Review of the ECU Faculty Manual

As part of the current review of the ECU Faculty Manual and the development of a university-wide policy manual, the EPPC has been charged with reviewing the Curriculum Development portion of the Manual.  Walker explained that Curriculum Development will remain in the ECU Faculty Manual, and that the committee should review the section for clarity and consistency.  The sense of the committee was that the changes covered by the motions discussed in Item IV above added to the clarity, consistency and accuracy of the Curriculum Development section.  Upon further review, the committee determined that changing the title of Section III and changing the order of certain text in the first paragraph of Section III would add to the section’s clarity.  Accordingly, a motion was made, seconded and unanimously passed to change the name of Section III to “Academic Program and Curriculum Development” and to change occurrences of “curriculum and program” in the first paragraph of the section to “program and curriculum”.  These changes will be included in the proposed additional revisions document.


VI.                Additional meeting

The EPPC will hold an additional (non-regular) meeting at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, January 22, to address pending agenda items. 

VII.              Adjournment

Chair Justiniano adjourned the meeting at 2:30 p.m.


Minutes submitted by Janice S. Lewis