Educational Policies and Planning Committee

Meeting Minutes

November 14, 2008


I.        Call to order: Chair Sandra Warren called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m. on November 14, 2008 in RA 142.


II.     The following persons were present:


Members:  Rose Allen, Janice Lewis, Jim Mitchell, Dale Knickerbocker, Sandra Warren


Ex-Officio Members:  David Conde, Linner Griffin, George Kasperek


Guests & Presenters:  Sharon Bland, George Kasperek, Hans Vogelsong


Excused Members:  Margaret Bauer, Linda Kean


III.    J. Mitchell moved to accept the agenda.  L. Griffin seconded.


IV.  Review of October 10, 2008 minutes


An amendment was made to XI. Reduction of Timelines for Implementation of New Programs.  The sentence “A motion was made was made by J. Tovey to: (1) Support merging the RI stage and the NIP stage for MS programs” was revised to read:  “A motion was made by J. Tovey to: (1) Support merging the RI stage and the NIP stage.”


G. Kasperek moved to approve the minutes as amended.  D. Knickerbocker seconded.  Motion passed unanimously.


V.     Recreation and Leisure Studies – Name Change Request


Hans Vogelsong presented the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies’ request for a graduate degree program name change from Master of Science in Recreation and Leisure Facilities and Services Administration (RLFSA) to Master of Science in Recreation and Park Administration (RPA).   R. Allen moved to accept the change in the name of the program.  J. Mitchell seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.


VI.  MS in Biomedical Science – Request for Authorization to Establish a New Degree Program


George Kasperek presented the Brody School of Medicine’s request to establish a new MS in Biomedical Sciences.  D. Knickerbocker moved to approve the request.  R. Allen seconded.  The motion passed unanimously, with G. Kasperek abstaining.


VII.                   Reduction of Timelines for Implementation of New Programs


Pursuant to a motion made by D. Knickerbocker, seconded by L. Griffin, and unanimously passed, S. Warren will send an email to Jeff Elwell and will copy the members of Academic Council and J. Tovey indicating that the EPPC endorses Recommendation #1 of the Phase II UNC Tomorrow subcommittee chaired by Elwell.  The recommendation reads:


“Representatives from the Educational Policies and Planning Committee and the Academic Council should develop a process wherein the length of time involved for on-campus development of proposed new programs should be shortened, particularly by combining the request for inclusion phase (campus-based process) and the GA-mandated planning phase (notification of intent to plan for bachelor’s or master’s degree, request for authorization to plan for doctoral degree).”


VIII.                 Faculty Senate Manual Part V.


S. Warren will make the changes to Part V and send the revised document to the committee for a vote at the November 21 meeting.  Wording for the changes was addressed in two motions:


Part V. Section III. C. 1.:  Motion made to approve: D. Knickerbocker; Second: L. Griffin; Unanimous recommendation to approve.


Part V. Section III. C. 2, 3: Motion made to approve: D. Knickerbocker; Second: R. Allen; unanimous recommendation to approve.


IX.          Adjournment


Chair S. Warren adjourned the meeting at 3:40 p.m.



Minutes submitted by Janice S. Lewis