Educational Policies and Planning Committee

Meeting Minutes

April 8, 2009

2:00pm-3:15pm Brewster B-104


I.                    Call to Order


II.                 The following persons were present:


Committee Members: Rose Allen, Sandra Warren, Janice Lewis, Dale Knickerbocker, Linda Kean


Ex-officio members: Linner Griffin,


Excused: Jim Chandler, Margaret Bauer, David Conde


Guests and presenters: Paul Kauffmann, Rick Williams, Vivian Mott, Ivan Wallace, Larry White, Bill Sugar

Sharon Bland, Lori Lee.


III.               Minutes


The minutes from the 13 February 2009 were amended with a corrected date and approved. 


IV.              Discussion and Review Items

A.     Dr. Warren requested and the committee approved that two items be added to the agenda 1) The request for discontinuation of the MA in music therapy and, 2) a name change from the school of Theater and Dance for the dance degree.


B.     Proposal for Mechanical Engineering Concentration.

Kauffmann explained the new mechanical engineering concentration and reviewed the new course proposal. Dr. Kauffmann argued the proposal is approximately resource neutral. Knickerbocker moved approval; Allen seconded. Proposal approved.



C.     Discontinuation of EdS in Counselor and Adult Education.

Vivian Mott presented. Kean moved approval, Mitchell seconded. Approved.



D.     Discontinuation of CAS in Library Science

Larry White presented. Mitchell moved approval. Knickerbocker seconded. Motion approved.



E.      Discontinuation of BSBE in Marketing Education Program

Presented by Ivan Wallace. Kean moved approval, Knickerbocker seconded. Motion approved.



F.      Proposal for a Certificate in Computer-based Instruction

Presented by Bill Sugar. Allen moved approval; Knickerbocker seconded. Motion approved.



G.     Renaming of Certificate in Distance Instruction to Certificate in Distance Learning and Administration

Presented by Abbie Brown. Allen moved approval. Mitchell seconded. Motion approved.



H.     Elimination of BS in Accounting (Related to February 13, 2009 action on  renaming of “BSBA in Management Accounting” to “BSBA in Accounting”)

Presented by Don Schisler. Lewis moved approval. Knickerbocker seconded. Motion approved.



I.        Discontinuation of the MA in music therapy. Allen moved approval. Mitchell seconded. Motion approved.


J.       Name change for the School of Theater and Dance for the dance degree from BA in dance to BA in dance performance. Kean moved approval, Allen seconded. Motion approved


Open Discussion    


UNC-GA Revised Academic Program Planning and Establishment Process

SACS Substantive Change (Comprehensive Standards 3.12.1) pertaining to off-campus sites and distance learning courses/on-line programs. Kean moved and Allen seconded. Approved. John Connolly will be asked to provide information in assisting EPPC in making necessary changes to Part V.


Faculty Manual – Part V

Faculty Senate Resolution 09-05

Adding New Teacher Licensure Area

Changes were review. Mitchell moved approval, Knickerbocker seconded. Motion approved pending clarification of NC SBE or DPI.

Adjournment of Meeting

EPPC members - Thank you for a wonderful and productive year!