Educational Policies and Planning Committee

Meeting Minutes


29 August 2008


I.      Call to order

Jan Tovey called to order the meeting of the Educational Policies and Planning Committee at 2:00 on 29 August 2008 in RA 142.

II.      The following persons were present:

Members: Rose Allen, Margaret Bauer, Dale Knickerbocker, Janice Lewis, Jim Mitchell , Linda Kean and  Sandra Warren

Ex-officio Members: Jim Chandler,  David Conde, George Kasperek

Guests & Presenters: Patricia Anderson, Kathy Misulis, and Interim Provost Sheerer


III.      Elections

Sandra Warren was elected Chair, Dale Knickerbocker, Vice Chair and Linda Kean, Secretary. After the election, Sandra Warren took over the running of the meeting.

IV.      New Business

A.                 Request for Authorization to Establish PhD in Curriculum and Instruction

Patricia Anderson, Chair, Curriculum and Instruction in the College of Education presented the Request for Authorization to Establish a PhD in Curriculum and Instruction. Questions were asked by committee members concerning resources,  student to mentor ratio, dissertation hours required and track record of funding in the focus areas.

Regarding the resource question, Dr. Anderson commented that she believed their current resources would be adequate as they had done some hiring in previous years with an eye toward this degree program. Dr. Sheerer also commented that due to the fact that ECU is mandated to produce a certain number of teachers, she believed the necessary resources would be available to those units that serve this mission.

Dr. Anderson also indicated that the number of dissertation hours falls in the range of other programs nationally and that they anticipate a limit of three students to one faculty member in terms of dissertation direction. Dr. Anderson indicated that the area of special education has the best track record in external funding of the three focus areas which also include literacy education and elementary education.

Dr. Anderson also commented that the program will be delivered both online and face to face; whatever method is most appropriate for each class. The group also reviewed issues of student retention and choice of area of focus.

Kasperek moved approval; Mitchell seconded. The proposal was approved.

V.      Business carried over from 2007-2008.

The group reviewed the items carried over from 2007-2008 to be addressed this year. Items included addressing ways of creating criteria for program elimination, how to shorten the time period between Notification of Intent to Plan and final campus approval for program development and revisions of Part V. Section III of the ECU Faculty Manual.

VI.      Adjournment

Warren adjourned the meeting at 3:00 pm.

Minutes submitted by:  Linda G. Kean