Educational Policies and Planning Committee

Meeting Minutes


28 September 2007


I.      Call to order

Dale Knickerbocker called to order the regular meeting of the Educational Policies and Planning Committee at 2:00 on 28 September 2007 in RA 142.

II.      The following persons were present: David Weismiller, Rose Allen, Dale Knickerbocker, Austin Bunch, Linner Griffin, George Kasperek, Mark Taggart, and Linda Kean.

III.      Approval of minutes from last meeting

Dale Knickerbocker reviewed with the committee the minutes from the last meeting. The minutes were approved with minor corrections.

IV.      New business

  1. G. Kasperek presented an intent to plan document for an MA in biomedical science in the Brody School of Medicine. A question was asked about a needed faculty position and the group was told that the position had been promised to the program by VC Horns. The position will be assigned to Research and Graduate Studies but would be tenured in a particular unit. Griffin asked about graduate assistantships. The group was informed that some assistantships would come from the ECU Graduate School and some from funded grants. It was presented that the program allows for integration with the medical school and meets the need for research physicians. Griffin moved approval, Weismiller seconded. The intent to plan was approved.


  1. Consideration of revisions of Faculty Manual Part V, which involves the scope of the EPPC. The chair presented revisions to the draft approved 2-23-06. The committee discussed whether they provided sufficient improvement in clarity to warrant their consideration. The committee decided to consider these latest revisions at its next meeting. Additionally, the group discussed whether the EPPC should have its report approved by the faculty senate. Currently it is the only faculty committee whose report to the Senate is for information only. The group was not in support of this idea, as it would slow down the process.   

V.      Adjournment

Dale Knickerbocker adjourned the meeting at 3:00 pm.

Minutes submitted by:  Linda G. Kean