Faculty Governance Committee Minutes of March 21, 2007


Regular members in attendance: Cope, Gilliland, Jones, Justiniano, Martinez

Regular members absent: Anderson, Morrison


Ex-officio members in attendance: Horns, Mageean, Smith, Taggart

Ex-officio members absent: Rigsby


Others in attendance: Bonatz, Lee


Alan White, Dean of College of Arts and Sciences, also attended


I. Most of the meeting was devoted to continued discussion of Appendix L.F.

Part 7, regarding dissemination of administrator’s evaluation results. At the last meeting the committee voted to make the results available for viewing by the faculty. Bonatz informed the committee today that to do so would possibly violate state law. The committee decided, with the approval from Bonatz, to insert language stating that the results of administrator evaluations can be disseminated after permission is granted by the administrator under review.


Part 7, b – A discussion was held concerning the language, specifically the term “sought.” Following discussion the language was changed per a motion from Vice Chancellor Horns. The change was entered by Lori Lee.


The committee revisited Section 6, and inserted reference to section 2, the standards for evaluation of the administrators.


Part 8 was discussed and revised.


The question of whether a summary of the review of administrators should be published was discussed. Bonatz stated that she would check on the legal implications of this section.


Jones raised the question of whether the dismissal of an administrator had to be done by the Chancellor, or whether it could be done by the next higher administrator. Bonatz and Smith indicated they would investigate.


II. Other business

     A. Martinez brought up a discussion held between her, Michael Poteat, and the Dean of the College of Human Ecology, Karla Hughes, about whether the Department of Criminal Justice should be allowed to participate in an administrative survey on their department chair. The current rules state that a minimum of voting faculty members must be in a unit before a survey can be administered. The committee voted to grant the department of criminal justice the chance to participate in a survey of their chair.


    B. Martinez discussed an item brought to her attention by Brenda Killingsworth, concerning a contradiction in Appendix D. One section currently reads that candidates for tenure and promotion are to be informed of recommendations beginning at the unit administrator level. The committee voted to change the section to read that the candidate be informed at the tenure committee level.


All approved changes were incorporated into relevant sections of the Manual by Lori Lee.


Respectfully submitted,


Mark Jones, Professor,

Committee Secretary