Minutes of Faculty Governance Committee Meeting

November 11, 2009, Rawl Annex Room 142


Present:  Martinez (chair), Roberts, Bailey, Zoller, Hughes, Murphy, Payne, Walker, Horns, Ingalls, Wilson, Rigsby, Mageean, Sheerer, Chinn, Lee


The meeting was called to order by chair Martinez at 3:05 PM


Moved (Martinez) to accept changes made to Appendix D, Section 6 on early tenure.  The motion passed.


Moved (Hughes) to include text in Appendix D, footnote 6 to read as follows: 

“Appeals of all nonreappointment and the nonconferral of permanent tenure at the end of the contract period may be filed in accordance with the provisions of Section V of this Appendix. Also, appeals of Nonreappointment coupled with the nonconferral of early permanent tenure may be filed in accordance with the provisions of Section V of this Appendix.  Denial of promotion may be filed in accordance with the provisions of Appendix Y.  A grievance (Appendix Y) may be filed in response to a denial of promotion and/or early permanent tenure.”
The motion passed.


Discussion was held on possible topics for Faculty Forums including “How Do We Improve Appendix D” or “Day to Day Working with Appendix D”.  More discussion will follow.


Motion (Martinez) to accept the changes presented by John Chinn to Appendix I on Conflict of Interest with one small editorial change:  University Compliance Office to University Office of Research Compliance.

The motion passed.


Catherine Rigsby presented a report on Joint Appointments.  Deidre Mageean requested the opportunity to give a written response to the report.  After this response the possibility of an open forum on the subject was suggested with further discussion to follow.  Motion to accept the report with edits was made.

The motion passed.


In connection with Appendix C the committee continued to discuss the suggested changes made by the sub-committee on engagement headed by Ken Wilson.  It was decided that the Governance Committee would come to the table at the next meeting with specific items to be included.


Committee expressed its appreciation for the service of Hope Murphy who will be leaving ECU.   Motion to adjourn at 4:30 PM.


Next meeting is scheduled for December 9th.


Respectfully submitted,  Christine Zoller