COMMITTEE:  Faculty Welfare


MEETING DATE:  December 11, 2008





A. Peery, J. Reisch


EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE:  B. Henze, A. Shlapentokh, J. Toller (via phone)







Agenda Item:  Approval of minutes                                                                                    

Action Taken:  Minutes of the November 13 2008 meeting were approved as written.


Agenda Item:  Parking (B. Koch, guest)

Discussion:  Bill Koch presented the committee with two proposals dealing with parking – one regarding the prioritized waiting list for A zone parking and the other affecting the fee structure for parking permits.  Questions were raised regarding the seemingly increasing number of reserved spaces, which B. Koch said he would investigate to see if there has indeed been an increase in these spaces.  The committee also suggested a clarification of the “A Zone Priority Parking” policy, specifically a clarification of the  “etc” in the Chancellor’s Office, which is included in the list of those who have immediate eligibility for an A permit.  B. Koch also reported that a fee increase for parking permits is scheduled for July 1, 2009.



Agenda Item: Mentoring (B. Southard)

Discussion: This discussion continues from the October 2008 FWC meeting (please refer to October 9, 2008 FWC minutes).  The mentoring subcommittee (M. Nasea, S. McGhee and A. Peery) will follow up with Dorothy Muller in the Center for Faculty Excellence and make recommendation(s) to the full committee.  Prior to making these recommendations, the subcommittee will consider contacting the Provost asking her to request current faculty mentoring policies from all unit administrators.  The only existing University Faculty Mentoring policy on hand is ca. 1993, but there is no evidence to indicate that this policy was approved by the Faculty Senate.


Agenda Item: Rejection of proposed revisions to Part VI.I.J. Salary Policies of the ECU Faculty Manual

Discussion: The committee continued discussion of the Chancellor’s rejection (dated October 22, 2008) and discussed during the November 2008 FWC.  Concerns discussed included that some of the salary policies do not need to be in the faculty manual because faculty do not have control over these policies.  However, they may be referred to in the faculty manual as informational items, but salary policies may not need to be a formal part of the faculty manual.  Following discussion, the following action was taken.


Action Taken:  The FWC will send the initial request to review the salary policies in Faculty Manual Part VI.I.J, approved by the Faculty Senate February 20, 2007 (See FSR #07-04.) back to Jan Tovey and the Faculty Senate officers.  The FWC requests that the Faculty Senate officers review the initial request with attention to the following concerns:

·        How do we effectively reference parts of the faculty contract and have the reference information for the faculty salary policies that are not under control of the faculty?

·        The Faculty Manual should be brought in line with the supplemental pay policy, but this must be done through the Faculty Senate officers after discussion with the Chancellor.

·        It is understood that the Faculty Manual must comply with the policies.  However, the policies are online and can be changed by administration.



Meeting adjourned at 4:50pm.



Next meeting: February 12, 2009



Items to be discussed:


            B. Southard will work to develop an agenda for the next meeting.


Respectfully submitted,


Annette Peery