COMMITTEE:            Faculty Welfare


MEETING DATE:      February 9, 2006




REGULAR MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: D. Holbert, D. Lawrence, S. McGhee, M. Nasea, J. Salstrom, W. Sugar






Agenda Item:  Approval of minutes

Action Taken: Salstrom/Lawrence motioned approval of the minutes of January 12, 2006 meeting. Motion passed.

Agenda Item:  Update: Health insurance resolution

Discussion:   Sugar reported that the Faculty Welfare’s health insurance resolution was approved by the Senate and then signed by the Chancellor. Toller summarized 2005 data from the National Conference on State Legislatures comparing state health plans. He will use this data in responding to questions raised by D. Long in the Senate’s discussion of the health insurance resolution.

Agenda Item:  Salaries sub-committee report

Discussion: Lawrence anticipates the CUPA-HR salary data set will be available in March and a preliminary report would be presented to Faculty Welfare in April. The goal is to have a final report ready to present to the Senate in early fall semester.

Additional Assigned Duties: Toller will investigate the expense to obtain online access to the data for a limited amount of time to run comparisons to institutions not included in the ECU peer institution group.   


Agenda Item:  Mentoring sub-committee report

Discussion:  No activity to report.

Agenda Item: 10th Street safety sub-committee report

Discussion: Sugar noted that the sub-committee had met and referred to the minutes from the December 1, 2005 meeting submitted by D. Clark. The committee continues to meet and address the issues.


Agenda Item: Proposed task force on child care center

Discussion: Sugar has continued to receive inquiries related to the campus child care. Faculty Welfare Committee will request a representative on the Campus Child Care Task Force which is being established. Child care is a well recognized issue in faculty recruitment and retention.


Agenda Item: Other Committee business

Fixed-term Task Force: Sugar will serve on this task force and attended the first meeting. The Academic Council will be appointing two fixed-term faculty as members from self-nominated candidates.

Wellness Committee: Salstrom commented positively on the State Wellness Advisory Council and its legislative agenda and goals. She indicated that Health Smart online assessment has not had as large a response as desired. Additional promotional methods will be developed.

TIA CREF Survey: TIA CREF is seeking input on designing and targeting new services. Toller asked for assistance in identifying three top issues facing the institution. In addition to those listed by Toller, discussion identified elder care and long term care insurance as concerns. Additional input will be pursued from other sources.

Environmental Committee: (formerly the Green Space Committee). Lawrence commented that the Environmental Committee is also addressing physical planning for the future. He encouraged input from the committee members.


The meeting adjourned at 4:40 pm.


NEXT MEETING: March 9, 2006




Sub-committee reports





Respectfully submitted,

Susan A. McGhee