COMMITTEE:  Faculty Welfare


MEETING DATE:  January 10, 2008




REGULAR MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE:  D. Clark,  A. Hegde,  S. McGhee, M. Nasea







Agenda Item:  Approval of minutes                                                                                          

Minutes of the December 13, 2007 meeting were approved as presented.

Agenda Item:  Benefits Satisfaction Survey

Discussion:  The committee approved the revised survey presented by J. Toller with the addition of a demographic item to identify medical faculty associated with the practice plan. The survey will be available for two weeks with the initial request to complete the survey emailed on Tuesday, January 22, 2008 by J. Toller.


Additional Assigned Duties:  J. Toller will contact J. Salstrom to finalize the wording for medical faculty-practice plan demographic item. B. Southard will draft a cover letter and email it to committee members for review. 


Agenda Item:  Retired Faculty Benefits

Discussion: There was no progress to report since the last meeting due to the holiday break. B. Southard will continue to pursue information.

Agenda Item:  Mentoring

Discussion:  There was no progress to report since the last meeting due to the holiday break. J. Toller commented that faculty struggling to balance work and life demands (especially probationary faculty with family responsibilities) might be an aspect addressed via mentoring. S. McGhee will schedule a mentoring sub-committee meeting with D. Muller.

Agenda Item:  Faculty Salary Survey

Discussion:  B. Southard reported a delay in obtaining the faculty salary data this year due to software - Banner interface issues and purging of social security numbers.  Once data is obtained a sub-committee will be formed to undertake a comparison to peer institutions, examine salary compression and inversion, and evaluate compliance with allocation instructions. There was a brief discussion concerning the prohibition on increasing fixed term faculty salaries and the source for promotion and tenure recognition funds.


Additional Assigned Duties:  J. Toller will obtain snapshot data so that salary analysis can begin. B. Southard will obtain and distribute to the committee the summer/fall 2007 instructions for allocation of salary increases. Southard will also contact IPRE for peer institution comparison data.

Agenda Item:  Other Business

Discussion:  B. Southard reported that A. Dralle was on leave for the remainder of the semester. As requested by Dralle, the committee agreed that Dralle will continue contributing to committee business via electronic means and resume attendance in the fall.


Meeting adjourned at 4:00 pm.

Next meeting: February 14, 2008

Items to be discussed:

            Benefits Satisfaction Survey

            Retired Faculty Benefits


            Faculty Salary Survey

            New Business


Respectfully submitted,


Susan A. McGhee