COMMITTEE:  Faculty Welfare


MEETING DATE:  April 10, 2008






EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE:  B. Henze, L. Ingalls, E. Stellwag, J. Toller




Agenda Item:  Approval of minutes                                                                                          

Action Taken:  The minutes of the March 6, 2008 meeting were approved as presented.

Agenda Item:  UNC Tomorrow Response

Discussion:  E. Stellwag presented a draft of the committee’s response which incorporated previous discussion. The committee suggested increasing the emphasis on quality and incorporating wellness and prevention comments from the Benefits Satisfaction Survey.


Additional Assigned Duties: E. Stellwag will send out the electronic document for final review and approval by the committee.


Agenda Item:  Benefits Satisfaction Survey

Discussion:  J. Toller did not have additional assistance for a more indepth analysis of the survey data. He will summarize the key elements already discussed and email the summary to the committee for final comments and suggestions. Agreement was reached that the data will be provided in pdf format to the Faculty Senate Office to be linked to the Welfare web page.


Additional Assigned Duties:  J. Toller will present the results to the State Healthcare Plan Board. He will ask J. Salstrom to attend as well.

Agenda Item:  Faculty Salary Survey

Discussion:  B. Southard explained the challenge of comparing the CUPA data to ECU data. Comparisons across years are also questionable not knowing that the same individuals are being compared. The analysis is inconclusive and there is little faith in using the data to determine if the allocations were used effectively to address 80th percentile standing. The committee discussed the potential usefulness of the Salary Exceptions Report produced by IPRE each spring in monitoring compliance with the 80th percentile.


Following a loss of the quorum, the committee became a subcommittee in order to continue discussion. 


B. Southard reviewed information sent to Faculty Welfare reporting the substantial salary increases of some department chairs in one college. Improved communication is needed within the college involved to explain the basis of the decisions and exactly what the reported figures included. Discussion raised questions as to the funding source for such substantial raises and why some department chairs on campus received 12 month appointments while others did not. Southard reported that he had forwarded the information to R. Scott, Chair of the Budget Committee for review.


J. Toller asked for a Faculty Welfare Committee member to be involved with the planning committee that will develop definitions and standards for salary reports. Such guidelines will ultimately allow for clear comparisons and accountability in distributions.


Additional Assigned Duties:  B. Henze agreed to serve on the salary reports standards planning committee. L. Ingalls will provide support as appropriate.

Agenda Item:  Mentoring

Discussion:  The requested changes to the web page link and mentoring survey data have been completed.

Agenda Item:  Annual Report 

Discussion:  B. Southard requested input on the draft of the committee’s annual report. Business indentified for next year includes faculty salary study, benefits comparison, mentoring, retired faculty parking, faculty dining/faculty club, and campus childcare.


Additional Assigned Duties: B. Southard will send a revised draft of the report to the committee for final review and approval.


In closing, B. Southard thanked the committee members for their contributions this year and acknowledged D. Clark, S. McGhee, and J. Salstrom who were completing their term on the committee this spring.


Adjourned at 4:37 pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Susan A. McGhee