COMMITTEE: Libraries Committee


MEETING DATE: Wednesday, 20 October 2010




REGULAR MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Chal Benson, Aysel Morin, David Wilson-Okamura, Margit Schmidt, David Kimmel, Robert Campbell, T. Chris Riley-Tillman


EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Jan Lewis, Larry Boyer, Dorothy Spencer





Meeting was called to order at 1503 by Cheryl McFadden.


Item 1: Minutes of 15 September 2010 meeting were reviewed; Dr. Boyer has a correction - should delete sentence in #3, item 1 that read “There is no program…

Minutes were then approved.


Item 2: The office of secretary will rotate among the current members.


Item 3: Review goals for 2010/2011


1.      Reviewed the five goals from 15 September 2010 meeting.

2.      Goal 1: How is library used by faculty?

a.       Discussed a subject liason for senior faculty to keep these individuals updated on library use.

b.      Suggestion to target returning faculty each fall for a ‘library renewal program.’

c.       Discussed whether this goal should be listed as accomplished.

d.      Agreed to revise goal to read: Assist staff and faculty of both libraries to make presentations in 10 department meetings throughout the academic year.

3.      Goal 2: Changing nature of the library

a.       Agreed to revise goal to read: If university would like to change/add to library use, these changes should be presented to the Libraries Committee in a timely manner so that we may stay informed and be able to deliver a report to the faculty senate on said changes.

4.      Goal 3: Budget

a.       Agreed to eliminate as a goal as this is not a goal per se.

b.      The committee would like to receive regular budget updates with sufficient time to discuss potential changes prior to making any reports to the faculty senate

5.      Goal 4: SACS

a.       Agreed to have library faculty and staff do the groundwork on SACS, submit a draft to the university consultant (Übermensch) and discuss the revised SACS information in the committee.

6.      Goal 5: Report of library committee to faculty senate

a.       Agreed we are not ready to submit a report to the 2 November 2010 faculty senate meeting

b.      Agreed to wait for feedback on SACS prior to committee report to faculty sente

7.      Agreed to combine goals 4 and 5, thus we now have 3 goals:

a.       Goal 1: Assist staff and faculty of both libraries to make presentations in 10 department meetings throughout the academic year.

b.      Goal 2: If university would like to change/add to library use, these changes should be presented to the Libraries Committee in a timely manner so that we may stay informed and be able to deliver a report to the faculty senate on said changes.

c.       Goal 3: Stay involved in the SACS process as it relates to the university libraries culminating in a report to the faculty senate

Item 4: Items to be discussed in future meetings

8.      Discuss space issues in general and the potential move of the global classroom to Joyner specifically

9.      Discuss space priorities for the library, such as the space (or place) for open stacks in the library

10.  Discuss electronic open access

Meeting was adjourned at 1600.


Respectfully submitted,

David Kimmel