MEETING DATE:  February 20, 2008, 3:30 pm




REGULAR MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE:   Salman Abdulali (C), Tom Douglass (VC), Jim Wirth, Juan Daneri, John Heilman, Patrick Valentine (S).    


EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE:   Beth Winstead, Kathy Cable, Dorothy Spencer, Larry Boyer


OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE:  Jeff Coghill, Maury York


 Agenda Item 1: Approval of October 17, 2007, and January 16, 2008, meeting minutes.

Action: Both sets of minutes were approved.


Agenda Item 2:  Announcements.

Action:  Abdulali distributed, for information only, copies of the resignation letter of Lillian Burke and asked that discussion of any related issues be postponed until more time could be allocated.

Action:  Boyer announced the creation of a faculty newsletter about the library and that faculty teas were being started.

Action:  Boyer announced the third Faculty to Faculty Networking Summit will be held February 23.

Action:  Spencer announced that Laupus had been given ECU-TV tapes and asked that all departments inviting speakers please schedule taping of speakers and also conduct TV interviews with them.  Permission should be requested when contacting speakers.


Agenda item 3:  Response to UNC Tomorrow Report.

Abdulali called for discussion.

Action:  None.


Agenda item 4:  Special Collections.

Maury York reported on the activities and development of Joyner Library’s Special Collections Department.

Action:  Winstead would provide url for the library policies manual.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m. Discussion of the remaining items on the agenda was postponed to the next meeting.


NEXT MEETING:  3:30 p.m., March 19, 2008. 


Respectfully submitted,


Patrick Valentine




ECU Library Committee