University Libraries Committee

Minutes for 16 September 2009


Present: Larry Boyer, John Heilmann, Beth Ketterman, Mark Sprague (attending as vice chair of the faculty senate), Anoush Terjanian, Tami Tomasello, Patrick Valentine, David Wilson-Okamura


The quorum requirement was met at 3:30 pm. Sprague opened the meeting by reading the faculty senate’s charge to the library committee and conducted the election of a new committee chair.


Valentine was elected chair and moderated the remainder of the meeting. Heilmann was elected vice chair and Wilson-Okamura was elected secretary.


It was agreed that subsequent meetings would be held on the third Wednesday of every month at 3:00 pm. There was some discussion of whether all meetings should be held in the faculty senate office (the normal practice for most senate committees) or rotate (for the sake of members on the West Campus), but no decision was reached.


The committee prioritized its work for the next year as follows:

  1. Carry-over business from last year
  2. Library budget-cuts
  3. Library-related sections of the new faculty and policy manuals
  4. Resources, such as library study rooms, for graduate students and members of the faculty


Boyer distributed part of an already-published report on library budget cuts, which will be the first topic of our next meeting.


The committee adjourned at 4:00 pm.







—David Wilson-Okamura