COMMITTEE:           Student Academic Appellate

MEETING DATE:    Wednesday, June 27th, 2007


REGULAR MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Vic Aeby, Mike Brown, Tom Durham, Jeni Parker

REGULAR MEMBERS ABSENT:  Dee-Dee Glascoff (excused), Mario Rey (excused), Cindi Putnam-Evans

EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Henry Newkirk, Elizabeth Layman


OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE:  Gerry Clayton, Elvis Jones


Agenda Item:  Minutes approval

Discussion: The minutes from the May 2nd meeting were approved.

Action Taken: 

Agenda Item:  Financial Aid appeals

Discussion: The first appeal was approved for Fall 2007 and Spring 2008 only. The second appeal was approved for SSI 2007, Fall 2007 and Spring 2008.  This student will need to re-appeal for Aid for Fall 2008.  There will also be a meeting on Thursday July 26th at 1:00 pm to hear 3 Athletic Financial Aid appeals.

Action Taken:  2 - granted

Agenda Item: Retroactive withdrawal (from May 2, 2007 meeting)

Discussion:  For one of the tabled appeals the committee requests that the student provide the University letter they received stating they owed money for Summer Session 2004.  This student must also provide the Financial aid document stating he would not receive aid and that his schedule would be dropped.  We also need documentation from this student showing how his account balance was paid and who paid it.  On two of the referred appeals, the committee refers the students to the Department Chair to seek redress.

Action Taken:  5 – granted, 7 – denied, 1 – tabled, 2 - referred

Agenda Item: Retroactive drop

Discussion:  On one of the denied appeals the committee does not feel it has any way to evaluate the grade appeal. On one of the tabled appeals, the committee has requested Jolene Jernigan review appeal.  On the two referred appeals, the committee has referred the student to Student Health for an evaluation.  On this same appeal this committee does not feel it is a reasonable request by the student to have the drop effective /29/07 so they can receive a financial refund.  On a tabled appeal, the committee would like information from the professor regarding why the student was not granted an incomplete.

Action Taken: 3 - granted, 5 – denied, 2 – tabled, 2 - referred


Agenda Item:  Retroactive Withdrawal

Discussion:  On one of the granted appeals, the committee would like the date of withdrawal to be backdated so the student can receive a refund.  On one of the denied appeals, the committee recommends the student sit out for 3 years and apply back to the University under the Forgiveness policy.  On a second denied appeal the committee would like the forgiveness policy to apply to the student, but asks that all classes the student attended after 1988 be transferred and applied to the degree.  One appeal has been referred to Student Health for evaluation.  On one denied appeal, the committee would like to note that Professor Dee-Dee Glascoff did abstain from voting.  On two tabled appeals the committee would like supporting documentation from the student.  On another tabled appeal the committee asks that the student provide documentation of the Grandmother’s medical status as well as proof that the student has indeed spent most of his time at the Rest Home with her. 

Action Taken:  3 – granted, 5 – denied, 3 – tabled, 1 - referred



NEXT MEETING:  Thursday, July 26, 2007 at 1:00 pm in Rawl Annex 142.