COMMITTEE:           Student Academic Appellate

MEETING DATE:    Wednesday, September 5, 2007


REGULAR MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Mike Brown, Ken Ferguson, Liz Fogarty, Dee Dee Glascoff , Jeni Parker,  Cindi Putnam-Evans , Mario Rey


EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE:  Elizabeth Layman, Henry Newkirk, Chris Grymes




Agenda Item:  Election of Committee Officers

Discussion: Mike Brown was unanimously elected as Chair, Mario Rey was elected as Vice-chair and Jeni Parker was re-elected as Secretary.


Agenda Item: Special items

Discussion:  Mike Brown presented the committee with two handouts:  a copy of academic regulations from the Undergraduate catalog including the exception to course drop policy from the Registrar and the Student Health Services withdrawal policy.  The committee agreed to follow these guidelines and stick strictly to all drop deadlines.  The committee would like to avoid reviewing appeals that have been submitted late by the student.

Action Taken:


Agenda Item: Retroactive Drop

Discussion: On one tabled appeal the committee requests documentation from the student’s advisor stating they did drop the class as well as proof of when the student’s senior summary was reviewed and when they were notified by the registrar.  On the second tabled appeal, the committee would like the student to submit a copy of the syllabus for the class they are requesting to have dropped.(this appeal was made by two students).  On the third tabled appeal, the committee requests documentation of the death in the family and  proof from the advisor that they dropped the course. On the final tabled appeal, the committee requests documentation from the student of the death in her family.

Action Taken: 11 – denied, 2 – granted, 5 - tabled


Agenda Item:  Retroactive withdrawal

Discussion:  The committee requests medical documentation for the first tabled appeal.  The committee requests medical documentation on the second tabled appeal to prove the student was incapacitated for two weeks.  On the final tabled appeal the committee would like proof from Vocational Rehabilitation that they would not approve the students schedule, and also documentation from the student’s advisor that they registered the student for the classes in question.

Action Taken: 1 – denied,  6 – granted, 3 - tabled


Agenda Item: Retroactive withdrawal with out grades


Action Taken: 1 – denied


Agenda Item:  Transfer hours

Discussion:  On one of these denied appeals the committee would rehear it if the student would provide evidence that an ECU official told her she could transfer the classes.

Action Taken: 2 - denied


Agenda Item:  Removal of grade from transcript

Discussion:  The committee recommends the registrar remove the grade of F given to the student for the course in question since it was the Professor’s error and not the grade the student actually received in the class.  This would allow the student’s second grade of ‘A’ in the course to stand.  Finally, the committee requests that the grade replacement  the student  used when retaking the course be reinstated. 

Action Taken: 1 - granted


Agenda Item:  Exception to General Education credits


Action Taken: 1 - denied




NEXT MEETING:  Wednesday, October 3, 2007 at 3:00 pm in Rawl Annex 142.