COMMITTEE: Student Scholarships, Fellowships, and Financial Aid Committee      


MEETING DATE: February 26th, 2007  


PERSON PRESIDING: Brent Henze     


REGULAR MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Anthony Overton, Yong Wang, Jill Matarelli Carlson


EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Victoria Ogden, Mark Richardson                       








Agenda Item:  Approval of the November 27th 2006 Minutes



Discussion: NA



Action Taken: Anthony Overton moved to pass the minutes and Yong Wang seconded.  The minutes from the last meeting were approved by a unanimous vote.



Assigned additional duties to: NA




Agenda Item: The Possible Delay in Scholarship Candidate Information



Discussion: Victoria Ogden informed us that with the change over to the new Banner system, there is a possibility that the information on the students eligible to receive the scholarships our committee is responsible for awarding may not be ready by April.  She assured us that Financial Aid was working on the getting the information to us as soon as possible, but that Banner was causing delays in how the information was determined, for example, how the “need” component was determined.  There is also the fact that many students require additional information for eligibility.  Ms. Ogden informed us that they want to be fair and that getting the information to us is definitely on their agenda, however, there are many things at Financial Aid that are running on a different time frame due to the Banner changes.



Action Taken: Yong Wang suggested that an additional meeting in May, if necessary, would be a possible solution.  The rest of the committee agreed to that possibility, as many members could turn in their data via e-mail; those who were available to meet in May, could do so, and turn in the decisions of the committee.



Assigned additional duties to:  Victoria Ogden will notify Brent Henze by e-mail of the progress and let us know as soon as the information is available.  The committee is open to the possibility of meeting in May to make scholarship decisions.



Agenda Item:  Brent Henze passed out the algorithm sheet that we use to make scholarship decisions and rank the candidates.


Discussion: It was discussed that though the form of the information may be different due to Banner, the algorithm we use would still be very effective in processing the information.  It accounts for different members placing value on different factors, so, over all, it was a fair way of deciding on the scholarships.


Action Taken:  The committee will use the same algorithm as last year.



Assigned additional duties to: NA




Agenda Item:  Catalogue Changes


Discussion: Brent Henze informed the committee that the catalogue changes we suggested were e-mailed to the appropriate office.  As the catalogues are switching to online, it seems the changes will be implemented at that time.


Action Taken: NA


Assigned additional duties to: NA




Agenda Item:  Scholarship Weekend



Discussion: Our Committee will take part in the Scholarship Weekend again this year.



Action Taken: Jill Matarelli Carlson and Kindal Shores will attend and serve as judges.



Assigned additional duties to: Jill Matarelli Carlson & Kindal Shores




Agenda Item:  Next Meeting



Discussion: As the next meeting would take place after several of the committee members’ conferences and the Scholarship Weekend it was agreed that it would be cancelled since there are no new agenda items to discuss.



Action Taken: NA



Assigned additional duties to: NA




NEXT MEETING:  April 23rd, 2007         


ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED: The Scholarship Candidates or The possible May meeting.