COMMITTEE:    ECU Teaching Grants Committee

MEETING DATE:   Wed, October 20, 2010; 8am

PERSON PRESIDING:     John Bort, Chair of Committee


REGULAR MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE:   David Smith, Christy Walcott, John Bort, Kate LaMere, Chris Jantzen, Donna Roberson, Sam Khoury, Eric Shouse, Bomna Ko, Helena Feder


EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE:   Steve Culver, Carol Winters-Moorhead (by speaker phone), Britt Theurer, Jim Smith



Quorum achieved; meeting was called to order at 8:00am. 

Agenda Item: New Business – Review of Proposals

Discussion: The committee reviewed proposals #11-22 by reviewing and discussing each one in turn.


Action Taken: One action was taken after discussion: A motion was made and seconded to reject Proposal #14 because it constitutes new course development. Motion to reject the proposal for consideration was passed by unanimous vote.


The meeting adjourned at 9:40am.


NEXT MEETING:   TBA next week – J. Bort will send an email confirming date and time.


ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED:  Continued Review of Teaching Grant Proposals


Minutes prepared by Christy M. Walcott