East Carolina University Teaching Grants Committee

Minutes for the November 6, 2009 Meeting

Rawl Annex 142



Ivana Alexandrova, John Bort, Colin Burns, Bomna KO, Kate LaMere, David Smith, Marieke Van Willigen, Carol Winters-Moorhead, Jason Yao


The meeting was called to order at 1:00 P.M.


The chair briefly explained the reason why we have to follow the defied the review procedure despite the large number of proposals received this year.


The committee evaluated and discussed the first 15proposals by going through each one by their proposal numbers.


Two actions were taken after discussion: Proposal #2: Marieke moved it to disallow due to its inappropriateness for the grant. This was seconded by Collin and was unanimously passed by the committee.


Proposal #11: Kate moved it to disallow due to its inappropriateness for the grant. This was seconded by David and was unanimously passed by the committee.



Meeting adjourned at 3:40 P.M.


Minutes prepared by Jason Yao.