East Carolina University Teaching Grants Committee

Minutes for the November 20, 2009 Meeting

Flanagan 262



John Bort, Steve Culver, Helena Feder, Kate Lamere, Marie Pokorny, David Smith, Marieke Van Willigen, Christy Walcott, Carol Winters-Moorhead, Jason Yao



The meeting was called to order at 1:00 P.M.


The committee continued to evaluate and discuss the proposals and completed all the proposals, including the three (#23, #25, #26) that left over from the previous meeting.


The committee discussed those proposals that may more likely cause appropriateness issues first before following the order in which the proposals are numbered. 


After discussion, the committee disallowed two proposals.  

Proposal #23: Steve Culver moved it to disallow due to its inappropriateness for the grant.  This was seconded by Christy Walcott and was unanimously passed by the committee.


Proposal #29: Marie Pokorny moved it to disallow due to its inappropriateness for the grant.  This was seconded by Carol Winters-Moorhead and was unanimously passed by the committee.


Proposal #43 required more clarification because the proposed work is related to a funded NSF project.  It was not clear to the committee whether or not the applicant has already been supported by NSF in the summer for the proposed work.  The chair will contact the application for more information and will share that information with the committee


Meeting adjourned at 3:50 P.M.


Minutes prepared by Jason Yao.