East Carolina University Teaching Grants Committee

Minutes for the February 5, 2010 Meeting

Flanagan 247



John Bort, Colin Burns, Denise Donica, David Smith, Christy Walcott, Jason Yao



The meeting was called to order at 3:05 P.M.


A subcommittee of the Teaching Grants Committee was formed to discuss the following items:

  1. The question from Provost Sheerer’s memo on the final funding recommendation given the available funding
  2. Possible changes in font size requirements for future Call for Proposal announcements
  3. Possible changes in review process in case a large number of proposals are received


The subcommittee discussed the three items in this order.  The following actions were made by the subcommittee:


  1. The subcommittee suggests the provost to fund the ten proposals as recommended in the original order and strong urges the provost, if possible, to fund more proposals on the original recommended list.

      This motion was moved by David Smith, seconded by Christy Walcott, and unanimously passed by the subcommittee.


  1. The font size requirement in future Call for Proposal announcement will be worded as: “use type face Times New Roman, 12 points font”

      This motion was moved by Christy Walcott, seconded by Denise Donica, and unanimously passed by the subcommittee.


  1. To keep the number of proposals each committee member has to review reasonable, the subcommittee suggested: in the event of more than 25 proposals are received; the committee will randomly assign reviewers to each proposal.  Each proposal will be reviewed by at least six reviewers.  Reviews will then be discussed by the whole committee.  The original reviewers will re-score as appropriate after the discussion.

      This motion was moved by Christy Walcott, seconded by YYY, and unanimously passed by the subcommittee.


These results from this subcommittee meeting will be reported to the whole Teaching Grants Committee and voted by all the committee members.




Meeting adjourned at 4:15 P.M.


Minutes prepared by Jason Yao.