Teaching Grants Committee Minutes

September 8, 2008 meeting at 3:00 p.m.

Members of the Committee Present:  Ballard, Bort, Boswell, Bugos, Feder, Ratcliff, Rieman, Smith, Walcott, Winters-Moorhead, Guest visit- Jan Tovey

This meeting served as the organizational meeting for the Teaching Grants Committee.  John Bort will serve as the Chair of the Committee, Gail Ratcliff as Vice Chair, and Jennifer Bugos as Secretary.

John Bort asked that all committee members forward a copy of the times in which individuals are unable to meet to discuss proposals. A time will be set up to discuss proposals sometime after October 9th, 2008. The proposal deadline for this cycle will be October 8th, 2008.

We will investigate options for reviewing teaching grant proposals electronically at committee meetings.

Jan Tovey indicated that she will remind the faculty of the purpose of the teaching grant, submission details, and emphasize the need for innovative research proposals.

There were several suggestions that the committee will consider at a later date.
1. Boni Boswell asked about the potential to submit collaborative proposals using the teaching grant mechanism. The committee will return to discuss this item of business in the spring.

2. It was suggested to include a link on the website to view sample copies of successful grant proposals.  This would assist potential grantees. John Bort suggested that we consider posting successful grants from this year’s grant cycle.

Respectfully submitted by Jennifer Bugos